Has anyone had a hernia and how does it feel?
I had my gallbladder taken out 6 years ago and I have been having pain by one of my incisions. I was just wondering if it might be a hernia. I went to my doctor but he says to wait 'til I get the surgery if it is a hernia. Which would be 'til next year, if BC/BS approves me. Any advice is welcome. Thank you. Maria M.
I have a huge hernia (nicknamed it Hermie, the hernia and when he grows up he wants to be a dentist), and when it started it was just a small pain every once in a while, mainly whenever anything put pressure on the spot. Now that it is huge I really do not have any pain associated with it. The doctor should be able to tell from an exam if it is a hernia or not.
Even if it is a hernia why not wait and have it taken care of during your surgery? My hernia was diagnosed in February and I will not have it repaired until at least February, maybe March. As long as you are not in pain and it is checked once in a while by a doctor you should be fine.
If you are in pain that is a completely different story.
Good luck,