Primary Care Physician in Bloomington/Normal
I met with a doctor last week who had no idea about weight loss surgery. He doesn't think WLS is even an option for someone my age. (I'm 23). I tried to educate him about the surgery, but he seemed completely closed to it. He actually suggested accupunture as a better option. Are you kidding me!??! Can anyone refer me to a doctor in the Bloomington/Normal area who is more aware? I have read everything I can get my hands on and I think this is the best option for me. I am very excited to get the process started, but I need a new primary care physician.
I am in the BN area and have been for about 6 years. I have never been able to find a pcp that I felt comfortable with. The last Dr. actually sent me home in tears when I tried to talk to him about weight loss.
Next week I will be seeing a Dr. at Carle Clinic for the first time - my husband has seen her and thinks she is pretty open minded. We'll see. If I can get out of there with my OK for surgery and leave intact mentally, I'll be pretty happy. Ask me in a week and I'll tell you how it goes.