If not Dr. Nagle who for WLS?
Hi Everyone,
I had my WLS via Dr. Nagle. Love the man, he did a great job... My DH has decided to have the Gastric by pass. Now keep in mind he went to all the classes and such with me and lives it everyday. He travels and we are not to fond of the Wellness Center program. Sorry but it's true. I am suppose to be one of their great success stories and never attended anything after surgery. So what does that say
Who did your sugery and what kind of hoops do you have to jump through to get it done?
Thanks for your help!!!
Take care,
PS - April 14, 2006 Inner thigh lift, LBL, TT with MR, BA and BL
PS - June 30, 2006 Arms, back/bra skin, lower face lift
PS pics available on www.picturetrail.com login ksitter password skinny

Hi Shelly,
Wow, girl you look fabulous!! Love your picture
We live near Naperville and drove downtown more times than carter has liver pills when I had my surgery. So driving isn't an issue. It's just my DH doesn't want to take 8 months to a year for the surgery. If he had not gone through it with me, I would insist on it but he knows what he has to do and I think he is ready.
Thank you so much for the surgeon's name, I will check it out.
Take care,

yup DR.FRED TISINGA is the way to go!!
I had laporscopic gastric bypass 14months ago . No complications. Dr.Fred knows what he is doing. He was so proud of himself he had my surgery done less than an hour. I still go to all the support group meetings.
Kathy by the way How are you hun? We had our first round of plastics around the same time. I know you have had your second round . Mine will be some time in Dec/06 i will have my mini lower face lift , bood lift .Back lift,
Oh im sorry i got off the title. Good luck in choosing a surgeon for your hubby.
Take care