I have a date. Now I just need $16,500!
I know I should be ecstatic about having a date, and I am!! I really am!! But it's mixed in with anger and frustration with the insurance company, and with worry about financing.
Here's the story...
I've been going through insurance red tape for over 2 years. Last weekend my husband and I decided to just screw the insurance company and pay cash.
Even though this was a great decision, I'm still VERY upset that I pay all this money for insurance that did NOTHING to help me. But whatever.
Anyway....today I GOT A SURGERY DATE! July 19th. We will have enough for the doctors fee, to be paid 2 weeks prior to surgery. However, I found out today that the hospital will need the remaining fee also, 2 weeks prior to surgery. SO, now I have to scramble to find financing for that.
The only thing is, my credit score is LOUSY and so is my husband's!! So I might not finance myself, but might have my parents help with that.
The question I have is this...has anyone financed, and if so, with what institution? Any suggestions??
You might ask the hospital for some suggestions. I am sure they have a company or two willing to assist patients. You might also ask your doctor office. I know my dentist has a finance company ready to assist with financing. I never had to finance the surgery so never explored that. If you have a home, a home equity loan may be a good option, interest may be tax deductible.
Good Luck,
Capital One has special credit apps for medical procedures and are more leniant on credit scores. They don't list gastric bypass, but I've read of others who've called the 800 number and gotten approval for it... http://www.capitalonehealthcarefinance.com
I don't know much about them, but have heard members mention Care Credit. http://www.carecredit.com/healthcare_financing.htm
Couple of other places I stumbled across that might work:
Medicredit - http://www.ienhance.com/finance/medicredit_home.asp
Health Ready - http://www.healthready.com/patients/
Good luck!