Surgery today CANCELLED !!!!!!!!!!!!
My surgery was canceled. When I got up this morning and went to the bathroom, it was very painful to urinate. I have had UT infections before, so I knew it wasn't good. The second time I went, there was a tinge of pink on the paper, and I checked - it was from the urethra, not the vagina (sorry to be so graphic). Anyway, I called the hospital to see if it would be an issue. They spoke with Dr. Fenner in the OR and he canceled my surgery!!!!! I called his office to see if they could reschedule, and they didn't have ANYTHING available until mid-late August. Of course I can't wait that long - I leave August 4th for Australia and will be there until Aug 18th, and the week after that I'm going to Bristol, TN and the week after that to the Poconos.
Anyway, I had to cancel totally with Dr. Fenner because they couldn't schedule me in for sometime in June. It was IMPERATIVE that this surgery be performed in June as I must start work in early July.
After Dr. Fenner canceled, and his office told me there was no way they could get me in before August, I contacted the original doc that I consulted with in early May, and he got me in today for a consult. He had a cancellation next week, so I will be having surgery with him Wednesday, June 21st. Wish me luck.
I truly believe all things happen for a reason. For some reason today was not my day to have surgery. Perhaps because it's the 13th? Who knows. Anyway, I'm sorry I won't be having it with Dr. Fenner, but when I saw my PCP today for the urinary tract infection, she said that Dr. Johnson is phenomenal too, so I should be in good hands. They did a urine test and confirmed a UT infection and put me on a 3 day regimen of Cipro. Hope it clears it up!!!!
I believe you are correct. everything happens for a reason. I am glad you feel comfortable with the other doctor. My doctor was also phenominal. It is important when going into this kind of surgery that you have complete faith and trust. I had a UTI a couple of weeks before my surgery. I am glad i got it taken care of. I start teaching summer school next month so I know how you feel about having a certain time frame. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.