Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
I have them and i tell you it is a night mare i have been doing everything they want . so for i have 11months down and only one more to go. The sent me a letter the end of May saying the only see where i have only done 9months and two of the months dont have enough doucumention and i had my doctor to write a letter saying that for those two months he was treating me for my weight because i have not skipped a month and they say it looks like a routine check up. it was not. it was part of the 12 months process.
BC/BS of IL HMO approves more than the PPO version. It has to do with some kind of law and I'm not sure if thats a state law or federal...I had the PPO and was denied 3 times even after I hired the lawyer Walter Lindstrom. They want you to have a 12 month MD supervised diet but even with that you have to have a lot of documentation from your MD documented physical excersise and nutrition counseling. They want it all. They also seem to have problems recieving faxes from me. They always seemed to not get them. Good Luck