Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Hello Mark thank you for responding but I am talking about the insurance called blue cross blue shield of illinois I have them and everyone says they are a pain in your you know what
. I see on your profile it say blue cross blue shield advantage is that the same as blue cross blue shield of illinois I am just so discouraged
but anyway thank you for your response please get back to me.

I have BC/BS of IL HMO. It took 1 day for consult approval and 1 day for surgery approval after consult.
Most BC/BS here in IL are BC/BS of IL, it just depends on your coverage. HMO, PPO Blue advantage, etc. HMO, I have heard from patients and doctors, is the best. PPO is the worst. Never got into Blue advantage.
Hi Liliana,
I am having my surgery on Tuesday. It will be 2 years since I began the journey. I was denied several times. I met the criteria and they still denied me and kept telling me things were not met. My advice is keep fighting. Get copies of all your records of things submitted from your docs. Document every conversation with BCBS. Write down the date, time and name of the person you spoke to. I eventually called the President of BCBS's office and told them I wanted to file a complaint or law suit. I got in touch with someone who I told my saga to and the hoops I had to jump through. I pointed out where in the information sent to them by my doc's office things were that were supposedly not met and finally my appeal was approved. As I see it, they say it can be covered if you meet the criteria, but this is to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. They make it so difficult that you want to give up. I was lucky to have great support from the staff at my doctor's office. I wish you the best of luck. Keep fighting for what you deserve.
I have bc/bs il and i followed their "rules and regulations" i was approved with in 3 months of completing them. I just kept my doctor updating them, my pcp is wonderful and really believes in this surgery. Bc/bs said i needed 12 months doctor supervised diet, nutrition and excercise plan, it wasn't horrible and if you are absolutely sure this is for you, then it's definately a good learning experience. There is lots to learn before and after, take what you can from it. Make sure you follow up with your doctor and with bc/bs, follow the paper trail, get confirmations, and as said before, document everything. With the hippa laws, the records all have to be faxed by outside parties and more than once, these people will be the cause for delays, you can also contact them directly and follow up to make sure they are doing their jobs. It is all a process, just go with the flow, but keep on top of it. If you stress out, it will only make you crazy and make it seem even longer. Most of these people are here to help you and they enjoy doing so, find them and use them to your advantage.
Dear Michele:
I am now going through the 12 month supervised diet, and BC/BS of IL told me that I only had to see my pcp for 12 consecutive months for her to supervise my weight management attmept. I ASKED them if I had to see a nutritionist, physical therapist, etc.... and they claimed NO. They claimed that I had met all criteria, and just needed the 12 CONSECUTIVE months with my pcp.....I have been "supervised" trying to loose weight for over 5 years by this doctor alone, not to mention the other 15 years of supervision.
Did you see more than your PCP?
I am seeing my pcp monthly (no more than 28 days apart....) and she has me on Phentermine, and I type up what I am eating, and my exercise goals each month. In your experience, will this be enough?
Please let us know EXACTLY what you did to fulfill their requirements.
Thank you,
P.S. There is no information on your profile. Are you doing well?
ok, I was going to type a whole bunch of stuff here, but then i realized that I needed to get it in my profile anyway, so I updated that instead. The whole dramatic story (jk) is there if you'd like to read it now. I hope it can help you and please let me know if there is anything else i can do. Good Luck!!