Anybody go to the COMP Clinic?
I go to the comp clinic. It is a great before and after care. It takes a long time!! Don't let let them say 6-8 months because it is at least a year!!(some people take a year just to get ok to see the surgon) And last month One of the surgons backed out so now it might take even longer.(I have not gone to group yet this month so I don't know if they got a new surgon or that settled) You have to go to 2 group meeting every month and it is 20 dollars for each and you have to go to both. humm what else....thats all I can think about right now. Good luck to you.
I had my surgery at the COMP clinic 2 years ago this month. Sorry I didn't check the board sooner, I hope your appointments went well there! If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]