Happy Hump Day everyone!
Ok well its been alittle bit since i have wrote something on here.I have been alittle busy,workingout,my child,planning vaction's,NEW BOYFRIEND! Lol yea i said it hes great hes a cop with a heart of gold. Its been great except i have gone into a crazy spell worrying myself im gona gain back the weight
.Which i know has to be a common thing,but its worrying me.Anyone else experienceing this? Im sure im not the only one..How are all my old people doing?? I wish for all the newbies GOOD LUCK and the oldies the same!

Hi Chandra ~ Long time, no see! I haven't been around much lately either, well, not on the Illinois board, I'm more devoted to the post-op pregnancy one. You are looking wonderful. Its soooo normal to worry about regaining the weight, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things, including working out. Your picture is amazing. Your new boyfriend sounds great. I'm so happy that your life is so great! I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
As for me, I'm doing great. I'm due to pop out this little baby boy in a little over 8 weeks. I've gained 18 lbs so far. Originally, I didn't want to gain more than 20, so it looks like I'm gonna go up over 200 pretty soon.
We had a terrible scare in mid-April when I needed emergency hernia repair surgery. That was BY FAR the most horrible, worst, ungodly pain that I've ever experienced. I thought they were going to put me in a straight jacket in labor & delivery - I couldn't lay still, it was like my body was possessed. I was screaming, dry heaving, sobbing, and hyperventilating. They did the surgery "open" to minimize the risk to the baby and removed 18" of bowel. I went into pre-term labor and, thank god, they were able to stop it. Then it looked like I had a fluid leak so I was transported by ambulance (lol, its not as fun as you'd think) to a level 3 NICU in case they had to either induce me or take the baby at 25 weeks. I was never so scared in my entire life. But all is well now. Just to be safe - please keep us in your prayers.
Does anyone hear from Jason anymore?
31w4d pregnant
Snowflake EDD: 7/31/2006
OMG Cheryl!!!! Congrates im soooo Happy for you i didnt know you was pregnant.. Thats great girly!I will have you in my prayers and you will have to come on and tell us how it went ok when you have the baby?? I havent heard from Jason in a long long time...I wondered about him too..Good luck with the baby..