My dad is dying and I don't know what to do!!!!!!!!!
My dad has struggled with obesity my whole life. Now he is 60yrs old and having major problems. He can't leave the house anymore. Can not go to the bathroom by himself, can't bath himself and many others. He is now just over 400lbs (i'm guessing) He's knees and hips are destroyed. and I just found recently he is started to get bedsores. I feel like no one can help. He went for one sugery, and after getting tests done and insurance approved, they turned him away. I couldn't believe that someone could turn him away at the chance of life. How can some doctor come in and say he doesn't deserve a chance????? Now we are going to the University of Chicago, and they tell him he needs more tests and start at square one with the insurance. What is a daughter to do??? I'm afraid he will die before this is approved. He has a hard time getting out of the house for the pre surgery doctor's appointments.....Why can't they admit him to the hospital and take all the test like for sleep apnea, and lungs and heart etc. We need four or fivepeople to get him out of the house!!!!! I feel as though no one is there to be his advocate on the doctors and health side of things. We are running out of options considering that we can barely take care of him ourselves anymore. My mom is loosing it. She has stopped feeling any emotions, and to think she used to be a very emotional person. I miss that. My family is falling apart!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Gina I dont know what to tell you other than my thoughts and prayers are with you and your father..
I know this sounds corny but have you contacted Richard Simmons.. he has a heart of gold and has been known to act fast and get doors to open us mere mortals can not... here's his contact info from his webpage...
Its worth a shot!!!
I wonder if University of Chicago might not have a social worker available to help coordinate some of these things. Maybe some home health? Or at the least, to run interferance regarding appointments, insurance, etc. Just a thought. It sure couldn't hurt to look into it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and for family. Best of luck. I hope all turns out well.
Hi jane,
my name is lisa my prayers are with you and your father and whole family hang in thier. I go to the u of c and they are very nice and helpful. Maybe you can explain everthing to them and they can give your father the help that he need. Also when they give you a date for a test and it is a long way off. Keep call and asking them have anyone cancel thier appt. So that your father can get in early. Thier sleep study is very slow and behind, but call them and just keep asking them have anyone cancel and can your father come in early. God bless you and I hope that everything works out for you and you family, just hang in thier.
Jane please understand I do not intend this to be cruel, but has your father expressed a desire for a surgical approach to his weight loss? This is one of those things that as radical as it is, will NOT be successful unless he becomes his biggest advocate. I sincerely pray your family is able to find someone that can help but at his size my experience has been that there is mulitple persons that will exhibit some "problems" that will need to be addressed. If he is bedridden...someone is bringing him his food yes? I'm sorry if I'm being hurtful. Have you posted your appeal on the main board? Surely there is someone "out there" that will have your answer or be able to lead you in the right direction. Good luck.