HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please.... anybody with info ...
I need help with any info anybody can give me please. I have filed for SSD and the IL public aid medical card*medicaid*. I have been denied on both of them
. Fileing for appeals for both of them Again. If someone can please help me find away to get aid or grant or something to pay/help pay for the GBS gastric bypass surgery/Bariatic surgery. I have called the studies groups at Washington Univ. and SLU nobody can help me or give me info. They are not doing anything on studies at this point and time and not any time soon from what they have told me. I do not have insurance.
Ive never posted here before , Sorry for that. I have been reading peoples posts. I have been looking in to getting the surgery for awhile now. Im unable to work due to many medical problems i have. My weight as of now is 520lbs i'm 5'10 .I'm 31 years old. I also broke my left knee in "96 and having troubles with that as well, along with Major female problems. The weight bothers my back so that causes pain. I have very bad swelling in my feet and legs due to it all as well. Theres so much more. I do not have a regular doctor i go to, I cant afford one and as i said the state will not help!!!!. please email me back with any info at all if anything... email add is [email protected]..... thank you so much ........ Katie

I know now that with Medicare..they will not pay Lapband surgery unless it is at a Center of Excellence..I know there is one in Clinton, IL. I had mine done by a doctor in Jacksonville, IL..but that was before Medicare put out new guidelines.
I am not really sure what the criteria is for Medicare and/or Medicaid to approve the surgery. I have both and I was approved on the first try. I know with me and through the hospital I got mine done at, my BMI had to be at a certain level before they could perform the surgery..meaning..I actually had to lose some weight before they could perform it..and that wasn't easy. It had to do with Insurance regulations. Maybe that is an avenue you could explore?
I also had trouble getting help. Your first step is to get a doctor to fill out the forms for your dissability. I am in Illinois and that is what I am going by. I had to get a lawyer that deals only in disabilities. As far as a doctor and the bill public aid pays for anything back 6 months. There should also be a community action of some sort to help. Use the Salvation Army and any other source you can that is why they are there. If you get a lawyer he will only take 1/4 of your settlement. I started out on SSI for six months before SS disability took place. I hope this helps some. May God be with you and keep you