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Sandra S.
on 2/5/06 11:05 am - Mountain Home, ID
Topic: Any doctors in Idaho that finance the surgery??
I'm asking questions for a friend who is considering WLS and I thought I had read about one of the surgeons in Idaho that finances the surgery. Anybody know? Thanks in advance, Sandy
Amy Williams
on 2/4/06 6:26 am
Topic: Have you tried True Lemon?
Over the past few weeks True Lemon has been sending out many of their product samples. If you have received or have used the product in the past, take a moment to give your review. You can do this by going to this link:

Then click on at the top
Help us out! - Do YOU know anything about this product? If so, please add your review here. Just click here to log into your profile system and post under 'Review Products' once logged in then located "Grand Brand True Lemon". The more you contribute, the better our community will benefit.

Appreciate all those who participated.
Amy Williams
Member Services
on 1/31/06 1:05 am - Kuna, ID
Topic: RE: Doctors supporting WLS taking new patients??
I was looking for a generic doctor that supported weight loss surgery and would help me get my ducks in a row so I could get approval from an insurance company. I had an appt yesterday with a doctor, she seems to be very supportive. My problem is that other than my weight, I am very healthy which means getting approval will be harder than I thought. Help!! I really want the surgery. Any suggestions??
on 1/31/06 12:42 am - Kokomo, IN
Topic: Fitness Challenge Please Vote
I am trying to become a contestant for a Fitness Challenge. I had written an essay for the Kokomo Tribune and have been chosen as 1 of 5 people to be voted on. I am asking for support of any and everyone I may know. I need to get people to vote on my essay. This requires people to log onto www.kokomotribune.com and click on The Fitness Challege. There you will be able to read the essays and have an opportunity to vote. In order to vote you have to register which takes like 5 minutes, and it has to be an email other than hotmail, and yahoo. It did accept my school email. So I am sure you have all seen me in on here and understand my desire to want to get a gym membership and an opportunity to change my life. Please please please assist me in this process. I am normally a quiet person, but in this case, I am not too shy to beg. You will know your vote went through because at the end the results will pop up. Thanks, Amy Ashley
Ronda E.
on 1/30/06 7:27 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: OH Magazine Issue 1 2006
The OH Magazine year is beginning with the fabulously D'Lushus Guadalupe D'Lushus and her story about her weight loss transformation. This issue focuses on nutrition for a healthy lifestyle introducing readers to nutrition and healing by Jim Duffy; the post-op diet challenge by Kimberly Do; and healthy habits for successful travel by Janet Gossum. Fans of the popular television show Dr. 90210 will be excited to read about Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Linda Li as she speaks to OH Magazine's Barbara Bietz. If you have not had a chance to subscribe, you can log onto http://www.oh-magazine.com. The $25 per year bi-monthly magazine always provides informative articles for those on their surgical weight loss journey. You can also subscribe by calling toll free 1-866-297-4966. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to editor@obesityhelp.com.

Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager
ObesityHelp.com :type:
Ronda E.
on 1/30/06 1:21 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: Prader Willi Patients
We need your help! If you suffer from prader willi syndrome, or know someone who suffers from prader willi, who had weight loss surgery we need to talk to you. OH Magazine is working with a researcher who is trying to gather information regarding how a patient with the syndrome coped before and is coping after weight loss surgery. The information will be gathered for a future article in OH Magazine. If you can help us with this research, please send an email to me at ronda@obesityhelp.com and tell me your name, phone number, email address and what your current situation is with prader willi. Thank you.

Ronda Einbinder
OH Staff Writer
ObesityHelp.com :type:
on 1/29/06 3:39 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Topic: Walking Challenge
I have been using the Walking Forum as my own personal space to log my walking goals. I have decided to expand a little and issue a challenge to all the walkers in OH land. HOW IT WORKS Set a goal in minutes or miles for the month of February. Every time you walk, go to the walking forum and log it. At the end of the month see if you reached your goal. It is that simple! EXAMPLE I will walk 10 hours in the month of February. or I will walk 25 miles in the month of February. These can be any type of walks - around the neighborhood, the track, treadmill, mall walks, Walk Away the Pound videos, what ever. But they do need to be walks, not exercise in general. Come on, let's get out there and walk! http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/walking/ Seven
Rebecca R.
on 1/28/06 1:19 pm - APO AE, Germany
Topic: RE: Doctors supporting WLS taking new patients??
Are you looking for surgery? I went to Dr. Rader with Idaho Weight Loss. He does appetite surpressents and other medication along with diet on his program. I just started, but it seems like a good program! Becky
Rebecca R.
on 1/28/06 1:17 pm - APO AE, Germany
Topic: RE: Tricare Prime vs. Standard!! Snag #1
Were you able to get thingsworked out? My PCSM told me that Dr. Oakley is the best in the area, but of course he does not accept Prime. I am looking now to have the Lap Band done. Becky
on 1/20/06 5:11 am - Somerville, MA
Topic: Friends of WLS Boston Gathering March 2006
Boston Gathering of Friends of WLS Friday, March 24, 2006 - Sunday, March 26, 2006 Adults Only Registration Deadline is February 10, 2006 Late Registration Deadline is March 3, 2006 This weekend is about connecting with people that can understand the journey we have taken and having some fun with fellow WLSers and support people. I have finalized the Hotel information for the Boston Gathering. The cost of the hotel is $79.00/per night, this is per room. You can call the hotel to make your reservations at 1-800-325-3535 or (781) 848-0600 by March 3, 2006: Sheraton Braintree Hotel 37 Forbes Road Braintree, MA 02184 (Exit 6 off Interstate 93/state Route 128 ) We have been very fortunate to secure the $79.00 room rate again this year. The hotel has a good size pool, hot tub and saunas. They also have a full gym (Braintree Athletic Club) they offer daily memberships at $7.00 a day. If nothing else, it's a great get away for the dreary end of winter... As a lot of us did at past gatherings, I recommend doubling, tripling and quadrupling up. Saturday during the day you will be free to go sightseeing in Boston or do whatever you like. There is a wonderful shopping mall across the street from the Hotel. It is a very reasonable car ride from PA, NJ, NY, CT, NH, VT, ME, MD, RI If you are interested in flying into Boston you have three airports to choose from. The first one is Boston''''s Logan International Airport, the other two are located about an hour away from Boston. They are in Manchester, New Hampshire and Providence, Rhode Island (TF Green). There is a shuttle to the hotel from Boston''''s Logan Airport. Braintree is also on the T''''s red line (the T is Boston's rapid transit). The red line is accessible to South Station (where most Amtrak''s come into from the South.) The Tara (as it's known in the area) will gladly pick you up from the Quincy Adams T station. Please feel free to bring your Significant Other, but children will not be allowed at the Friday night or Saturday night events.In addition the Boston area has a WEALTH of nearby attractions. In late March you're looking at doable weather for walking trips in Boston. Also historic Plymouth is only a 40 minute drive (the Plimoth Plantation and the Mayflower are there) And Quincy, the next town over is historically rich as well. Here is a brief overview of the weekend festivities: Friday, March 24, 2006 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Mix and Mingle 10:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. - Private Pool Party Saturday, March 25, 2006 5:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. - Dinner/Dancing - Keynote Speaker being arranged Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Farewell Breakfast Here are the costs associated with the weekend. COSTS: Deadline: February 10, 2006 Post-op = $67.00 Pre-op/Support = $80.00 This includes the following Registration Fee = $25.00 Saturday Night Meal = $32.00 (4oz - post-op) = $37.00 (8oz - pre-op and support) Sunday Breakfast = $10.00 (4oz - post-op) = $18.00 (8oz - pre-op and support) COSTS: Deadline: March 3, 2006 - LATE REGISTRATION - Money Orders Only will be accepted Post-op = $92.00 Pre-op/Support = $105.00 This includes the following Registration Fee = $50.00 Saturday Night Meal = $32.00 (4oz - post-op) = $37.00 (8oz - pre-op and support) Sunday Breakfast = $10.00 (4oz - post-op) = $18.00 (8oz - pre-op and support) I am still working on getting a charter sightseeing tour similar to the duck tours we did last year, so more information on that to follow. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at mtamdd@yahoo.com. Hope to see you all there!!!! Marie Friends of WLS
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