Recent Posts
Topic: Greetings!
I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Waist Line! You are all doing so well no matter where you are in your journey - - - Keep up the good work and don't be naughty!
Ho, Ho, Ho.
Topic: the media has Me Pissed!!!
This is my take on this whole darn 1/50 mortality rate from WLS thing. When you are Obese the statistics say blah blah blah % of Obese die. They say we are lazy that we have low self esteem and that we need to just pull back from the table. So, what do we do? we go on a diet and start to loose weight spend tons of money on the weight loss crap. Then what? We gain it back and then some, they say we did not try hard enough, we have no will power.
Ok then we have a more permanent form of weight loss which is what? the surgery and now they say blah blah blah % died due to complications from the surgery.
I said all of that to say this, we are in a no WIN situation with the Media and their @#$$%&$!!!! Statistics. I say to hell with them all, because we stand a greater RISK of MORTALITY by being Obese than we do haviing the surgery.
Complications arise in every facet of everyday life. There are people who die from a routine exploratory surgery, do we hear about that? No. There are women who die giving birth, there are people who die after having a tooth pulled. But none of these things are broadcast.
It is just another way to TRY and I stress TRY and keep the BIG KIDS DOWN!!! But here on OH we got news for them, we are NOT backing down, we say have fun with your statistics and CRAP because we are finally going to do something for US and we are going to stand up for what we believe in.
That is why this site is so vital and it is so important to support one another because we have so many odds against us. This is not the worlds fight this is our FIGHT and together if we stand TALL we can win this thing.
Good Luck to all of the PRE- OPS and just know that although this is not an easy task you have a lot of support here for you when you cross over. You can email me anytime and I will respond I will even call you if you need to talk. Just no that you are not alone we are here to help.
Love ya!!!
Topic: I am in deep mourning!!!
It has finally come to me after all of the wonderful responses I received from my last post. I am in deep mourning. I have loss my best friend. FOOD. It never dawned on me before that I abused food the way I did. I never realized how much I depended on food until now. I find that as soon as I am stressed good or bad I am ready to reach for something to shove in my mouth. So I had to find something else. It is still hard no matter how much I try and divert my attention to something else,but at least it is a start.
I bought the Gazelle Elite by Tony Little and now when I am stressed good or bad I HOP on Tony and ride into the sunset.
I just wanted to say thank you all so much for your kind words and heartfelt emails. I know this is just the begining for me and that things will get better. I am slowly but surely learning the meaning "Patience is a Virtue".
Topic: please help
I hate to repost this but i posted over the weekend and i know alot of people were out shopping the good sales after thanksgiving and seems i only got 2 responses to my prior post i was hoping a repost would get more responses. I do understand times are hard for alot of people this year but those who can contribute even a item thats only a few dollars would be so appreciated by the recipients so heres my repost below:
Christmas is approaching and alot of our troops protecting our land and other lands in the world will not be with their familys at christmas i was speaking to my sister and her hubby stationed in iraq mentioned little things they wish they had like games such as monopoly, card games, checkers, chess, game boys to pass their time when not on duty and things like travel size items , grooming kits, and toiletries tins of cookies, beef jerky, candy (not chocolate) always come in handy or anything else people can think of . Im takin collections for the next two weeks and then any items recieved will be shipped via my brother in law who will then pass them out to his troops and other troops in iraq . I understand financial hard times for alot of people including myself my son is 17 and we already decided the cost for shipping once we get some items donated will be great so we are forgoing our christmas and our gift will be to see that our troops know that people care about them not only during the holidays but always . If anyone can contribute by sending a item or help with shipping please email me for my address, items will need to be shipped soon because mail is taking up to 3 weeks to arrive in iraq even tho i know some of these items may not arrive in time for xmas they could use these anytime and i will send the 1st shipment out as soon as i get them in hopes some items arrive before xmas. Also letters or cards are appreciated .Thanks to all and please keep your thoughts with the men and women protecting us.
Topic: RE: I need Answers please!!!
First I say hello, my name is Robin. I was on online and once again looking at this site trying to find all the answers I am looking for. I have not had any the surgery at this point. I know you want to hear from someone that is going through the same things you are and I can understand that, but here I am writing anyway... I do not believe I stumbled on the posting a message link and found you by accident. There is always a reason for everything that happens. From what I am hearing it sounds as if you are in fact human!!! The emotional times are very expected. You are in the process of a life altering change and it will take its toll. I think everyone who is going or plans on going through what you are now will experience the life altering change in different ways. The emotional difficulties that you are having will indeed pass. It sounds as if you have an awesome support team. The emotions will pass and become easier to deal with in time. Because you have come this far it seems like you also have a lot of inner strength. You said your support systems are in order, and your weight is pulling off fast, but fast in whose eyes? You know it didn't come on over night and it will take time for you to really see all the difference it has made. As an over weight woman I know the mind games can become overwhelming but you must remember that you only had a surgery to help the weight now you must work on the mind and soul. They all interact with each other: mind, body, and soul. It is a mindset and you have to keep it positive. The strength I heard from your last message sounds like it gets lost in the mist of everything going on in your life, so when you feel like this ...down and blue, grab that strength and grow stronger with it. I believe in God and I know in my life it seems like when things seem like they are getting along just fine the Devil tries to take it away from me and do his mind games on me to make me a depressed and emotional person. And as soon as I realize I don't feel quite right I start grabbing that strength from way down deep within myself and try to surround myself with nothing but positive. I know if you have come this far you will be alright, I will keep you in my daily prayers and
You hang in there. You will make it !!!
Topic: I need Answers please!!!
Hi All,
It's that time again. Yes, for me to vent. My support systems are in order, my weight is pulling off fast, but fast in who's eyes? Not mine that is for sure. Oh you look so good, to who? Not me. I know you feel good, No not really. Sure I can eat just about anything and not get sick, at least for now. Be thankful they say, oh but I am thankful.
So what are you trying to say they ask? I am doing this thing because I have no choice at his point I say. But in the meantime can anybody tell me when does it get better. I have talked with my therapist, I have talked with my Lisa C. I have talked with Lisa D. I have talked with Wendy, I have talked with Debbie and tons of others. But when do I feel better I ask.
Now what I need to know is the real deal. I need to talk to someone who is having the emotional difficulties that I am having. I am not sure what is wrong, is it just me, am I the only one that feels this way. I mean I read post after post after post and I hear all the glitz and glamour, but I have yet to come across anyone that has really displayed any real emotional trauma. If you are out there please respond because I need to talk. If you do not wanna tell your story on air please email me privately. I just need to know am I the only person that feels this way.
I can give very good advice, and I can give lots of support and say encouraging things and mean them from the bottom of my heart, but I can not take my own advice, I am terrible at being my own support person. I am not trying to scare and new post ops or pre ops, this does not affect everybody the same, but for me it is beyond anything I could have evr conceived mentally and before I loose my mind I just need to know is it me? Am I the only person that feels this way?
Margie L.
on 11/10/03 1:47 pm - Rio Rancho, NM
on 11/10/03 1:47 pm - Rio Rancho, NM
Topic: Sign online petition to make Insurance Companies pay for WLS a law!
Your help is needed! Click on the link below to help make this happen!
Topic: Hardest Thing I had to ever do in My Life
Hi All,
I just need to vent to my family if you do not mind. Going into this surgery I knew that it would not be easy. I did lots of research and went to support groups and read articles and looked at TV shows that talked about it.
In doing all of this and knowing the risk and the life altering change I still felt the need to have this surgery, this was something I wanted to do without fail. However although I do not regret having the surgery nor can I yet say I would do this again, I just need to keep it real when I say that having this surgery was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and maintain in my life.
Without the sole support of my new best friend Lisa Cohen and my longtime friendship with Lisa Dunlap, I have no idea what I would do. Lisa Cohen and I had our surgeries about 2 weeks apart so the things I am going through now she is so helpful with, my day does not feel complete unless I talk to her. Lisa Dunlap is almost a year out and she gives me that energy and the reassurance that things will definately get better. I said all of that to say this when you are going through this, it is so important to have someone to support you. My husband and my best friend Lea and my sister Rochelle are all having this surgery and I am so glad that I am the Guinea Pig of the circle, because when they have surrgery they will have all of me. I will have already worked the kinks out for them, I will be there to help them from day one, I will be able to encourage them when they go through the depression and the battles of what to eat and what not to eat..
This is a remarkeable journey that all of the post ops have began and all of the pre ops are thinking of taking, it requires hard work and determination and most of all support from someone who understands and is willing to be there for you when you need them.
This message board is such a great place to come and read and get advice, sometimes it can be a little intimidating on the main board because people will just beat you down and make you feel bad about your questions.
Just thought that I would let all of you know that we are all in this together, weither i know you or not I plan to be an advocate and a great support person for anyone that needs me, I call people on a daily basis, i send numerous emails daily and I call my Lisa C. daily to see how her day is, this surgery is life altering for me and i intend to be as supportive as i can to anyone that just wants to talk. You can email me directly at
[email protected] and I will take your number and give you mine and just know that I am here for you all, anytime of the day and night, because i do not want anyone to feel they are alone. This is a winning battle, not one without a strong and hard fight. I just want you all to know that support is the key to success.
I hope that i have not offended anyone with what i have said, it was never meant to come out that way. i also want you all to look for regular post from me, because anytime I learn anything new that is helpful I will be on here sharing it.
Thanks for listening and good luck to US ALL!!!!!
Topic: Help a fellow member/VOTE for EMMA
Hi guys...
A fellow OH member is trying to win a contest to get her much needed plastic surgery paid for... she needs us to all support her and vote for her to win the contest. So tell everyone!
Here is a the message that she posted on the main board:
From Emma Blanchard: Hi i have lost 130 pounds from gastric bypass and I need my skin fixed. I entered a seattle radio stations extreme makeover contest and the voting begins today. The winner will be decidied onlin and so far I am losing. I need the wls community to vote for me. the show is you can click on the link that says extreme makeover contest and vote for me Emma. Thank you for your support Emma
the site is and my name is Emma if you could ask your friends and family to vote for me to that would help. Thanks Emma
So I hope that you will all take the time to put in your vote and support our fellow OH member EMMA.
You can also get there by clicking on the following link: