Anyone who has BC of Idaho insurance, were you covered?
Hello All,
I was told I could purchase a health insurance policy through BC of Idaho and it would cover the surgery. I called BC and talked with a representative and she said no, they don't cover the surgery. Is there anyone out there that had BC of Idaho and with a letter from your doctor, did they cover? Thanks for any responses.
Policy coverage varies from policy to policy. Two years ago I contacted a independant insurance agent for Blue Cross and he found me a blue Cross policy that would cover WLS. It was very expensive and not without porvisions. The deductable was about $5000 and I would have to have the polciy in force for at least 6 months before I could submit fot WLS. I did not get the policy due to monthly cost of over $500. We currently have BC of Idaho as my husband works for the state, however this policy excludes WLS and I ended up going to Mexico for lapband with Dr. Rumbaut in November as self pay. My advice to you would be to call an independant inusrance agency and ask them if they can write a policy that would cover WLS. There are companies that will pay for it, but your premium will be pretty high. Best of luck to you.
I have BC of Idaho, but also another insurance and I went through them instead of BC...but there's a great doc in Utah that does self-pay for about the same amt of money as Mexico...and obviously is much closer than Mexico. Even tho I speak fluent Spanish, I opted for Dr. Layton Alldredge at South Valley Surgical. He did a wonderful job and I'm almost in One-derland.