Drawn to Idaho...
I had WLS in April here in Indiana.. but I am drawn to Idaho board to catch a look at home.. MY Uncle was Mayor of Nampa for 20 years (Ernnie Star) and I sure miss him and Aunt Betty. Grandma Lived to be 95 in Caldwell, and Nampa. Cousin Gary lives in Nampa and Aunt Lois lives in Parma.. so I know the area..Oh yea, Aunt Shirley and Uncle Ron live in Caldwell too..
Sounds like I am a name dropper but just wanted to "touch home again"
Linda, HELLO! I am here in Idaho, Glenns Ferry, south of Mt. Home. I just read your post, and profile and thought I would write. It's 1:30 in the morning here and I can't sleep for thinking about my own upcoming surgery on Jan 16!! It helps to get on the board at those times. I, too, am a Christian, and so grateful that my Lord is with me, and I know He will see me through. Really enjoyed those pics of your grandchildren!! I love children, tho my own 3 are grown and out on their own now. No babies yet, but maybe some day! Do you ever get to Idaho to visit your family? I was born and raised in the Pac. N.W., myself, but my hubby retired from the Navy and wanted to get rural, so here we are in Idaho, and I love it!! Quite a change from West. Wa., but beautiful in a unique way, and I love small town living (1600 pop. here)! You are doing so well on your journey I see, so Congratulations!! Hope to get my own journal going here soon to record all the ups and downs and soforth. Just need to figure out how it's done. I am not a computer whiz to say the least, so may need a bit of help. Figure I am doing good to get this site up and running!! But I'm learning!! Well, I am rambling on, so it is probably time to close this post. Hope to chat again, and Best Wishes, and God Bless you in the New Year!! Kathy (KtB)