Twin Falls area -- future DSer says hi, needs help!
Hi! My name is Amanda; I'm 29 years old (really!). First, a little history and get-to-know-me...
I live in one of the small towns around Twin Falls (south-central Idaho). My doctor suggested WLS to me about two years ago. I am 5'2", weigh 280lbs, BMI 51.2. My first thought was, no way. I've seen the shows about Carnie Wilson and Ricky Lake, and I don't believe that I could live that way. Well, upon further thought, I figured I may as well do some research. Well, some research turned into almost obsessive research after stumbling upon the DS.
For those who have had the RNY, please don't get upset with my view of it. I just really do not think it would be a good surgery for me. In my own view of my own self, I would be trading being a "freak" in one way, with my morbid obesity, to being a "freak" in another way, with all the dietary and eating restrictions of the RNY. The DS is, to me, a tool that can help me lose the weight I need to to be able to have a healthier life, as well as maintain a fairly normal eating life! I am so excited about the DS surgery!
In the spring of '04, I had a consult with Dr. Oakley in Boise. I'd read many good patient posts about him. We got along ok, but I never had a great "Go-for-it!" feeling with him. He told me he prefers to do the RNY on those patients with lower BMIs. Well, to my way of thinking, since my BMI puts me in the super-morbidly obese category, which is the highest category on most charts, I more than qualify for the DS by all the charts I've seen and stats I've read about other doctors' requirements. He said that he would do the DS on me if it's what I really wanted. I left feeling that he would be reluctant, and I wasn't sure if I wanted a reluctant surgeon!
Anyway, this all pretty much became null and void because I discovered that my insurance, Blue Cross PPO, won't pay for it. They will pay up to $5,000 (lifetime cap for anything obesity related) for the RNY only. I thought about fighting, but even if I won and they put that $$ toward the DS, that small of an amount wouldn't do me much good anyway...
So, fast foward a year. I had pretty much given up, but still liked to read online diaries, etc., about people who had had WLS, especially the DS. I had prayed for guidance in this quest of mine; soon after I stumbled onto a diary site called "goodnightfatgirl". I read with avid interest, as usual, until I saw that she was considering going to Brazil. Again, my first thought was, "Not a chance in HE%% would I go to Brazil..." Well, leave it to me to keep reading and researching. Within the next hour I had determined that I wanted to go to Brazil and have Dr. Marchesini do my surgery! Everything just "felt" so right, and I have so much confidence in Dr. M!
I continued to research and once again became obsessed. I'm figuring out how to actually do this! The entire self-pay with him, including all costs of the trip, is a lot less than it would be with Dr. Oakley, even if I could get the ins to pay $5,000 toward it! I'm looking into a loan for about $15,000, (even though total cost should only be about $12-$13,000, I want a bit extra for just-in-case). Since my car is almost paid off, I'll just use what I was paying toward it for this new loan!
I have sent off my initial paperwork to Dr. M, and expect to hear back within the week. I am hoping for the second week in December. I teach, so this way I would only have to have two weeks away from my students, followed by Christmas vacation, making for a decent recovery time.
My huge question in all this is ... Is there anyone else from Idaho who's gone to Dr. Marchesini?
Other questions... Have any of you had the DS? Especially in the Twin Falls area? I know that the Twin Falls bariatric surgeon doesn't do the DS, so if you've had it, to whom did you go? Is there a Twin Falls area WLS support group, and if so, is it totally geared toward RNY, or would it be something I could join in and feel comfortable discussing DS issues? Same question about the Boise group I've heard about... Also, do you have to have been Dr. Oakley's patient to go to that Boise group?
I'd really like to find support around here, especially from others who've experienced the DS (but RNYers, please don't exclude yourselves!).
Thanks in advance to anyone who answers!
Hello, my name is Becky. I live in the Twin Falls area. I am 51 and I have a BMI of 69. I have been fat since I was 3 years old. I have lost thousands of pounds since that time, and I am bigger than ever. My favorite hobby has been the diet - gain back lifestyle. Anyway, I am scheduled for DS surgery on August 30, 2005. I am a patient of Dr. Oakley in Boise. I think it is wise of you to choose the DS procedure at this time in your life.
Since the beginning of this year, I tried to get my employer's United Healthcare health insurance to pay with no luck. I even went to Obesity Law and paid them for help. Still No luck... even after they went to the Department of Labor. I realized that I needed to come up with the money on my own.
I don't know anything about the doctor you have chosen to see in Brazil, but I want you to know that you are definitely are not alone out there. I think that what you are doing to pursue a better quality of life is admirable. I wish you much luck.
Hi, Becky! I'm sorry about your insurance not paying, but good luck with your surgery! Wow, it's coming right up, isn't it? I'm glad you were able to finance it yourself and finally will have the lifestyle you deserve! As you mentioned, I'm glad I discovered this so early in my life (although it would have been great to get there even earlier, but I'm not complaining). I look forward to being able to be a better mom (if that ever happens) than I ever could be now... and a better teacher than I am now (not afraid to do some "fun" things because of my weight!).
Is there a support group in Twin for WLS that you know of? Or do you just go up to Boise?
Again, good luck! Thanks for contacting me!
Hi, I am in Twin Falls. I am having surgery in Mexico 10-25-05 and I was also wondering about a Twin Falls WLS support group, I know there are a few of us here in Twin that had or is having surgery so maybe we could get together and form our own if there is not one already. Though I think that I have read about one somewhere. I will check up on it and let you know - ok.
Hi Amanda
I just wanted to ask you if you have checked out the south of the boarder site on Obesity? I am on this site tonight because I will be returning to Idaho next year and wanted to see what was going on here. My daughter went to Dr. Oakley and I also had plans to go to him until I was told that they wouldnt give me a cash discount for the surgery.. My daughters Blue Cross plan paid thousands less then I was going to have to pay... So I checked into south of the boarder site here and decided to go to mexico for my surgery.. There is an active support group online there and they might even have info on the surgeon you have chosen.. I know that one of the girls who is getting ready for surgery in Ensenada, Mexico is from Twin Falls area herself... As far as I know Dr. Oakleys meetings are open to the public, my daughter goes to them sometimes. She say's they are a good source of info and clothes. Good luck to you in your decision..