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Has anyone had problems with constipation. I knew I probably would but all my doctors office said was to call them if I go more than 3 days. Well my surgery was on a Thursday so three days was a Saturday. It's so frustrating because I just want to take something and pu**** out, but I can't push because it hurts and I'm not supposed to take anything before talking to the doc. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. Sorry about the TMI!

256-Day of surgery
225-First goal
I need your help with a couple of things!!! Could/would someone please remind me to take some before pictures by Tuesday?! I meant to do that this weekend, and totally forgot! I was busy preparing lists and schedules and making sure I got everything I needed, vitamins, prescriptions filled, food for the family, ect. I forgot to buy one of these sewing tape measures so that I could measure everything like Michelle suggested...but I will try to get to the general store tomorrow to get one...i bet they have one cheap!
Also, im having a bit of a delma today as well!! Its almost funny...except its NOT!! (know what I mean?) So today, we were getting around to go take the kids to a 4-H skating party and my youngest son (who is 4) comes up to me with his combine (you know those really huge heavy ones that are like 1/16th scale or something like that) and says, mom can you put the corn head on? So of course, like every good mom I said yes hand it to me....(da, da, daaaaaa) and he "hands" it to me, or so he thought...and I didnt have a hold of it yet, and he let go....down it went (all 20lbs of it) right onto my big toe!!!!! I screamed, yelled, cried, you name it!! Fell to the floor, could hardly breathe, it had turned 12 shades of purple before i even hit the floor!!! Of course, my son is crying thinking that im mad at him and hes in trouble, so Im crying, trying to get him to quit crying telling him that mommy's not mad at him, its not his fault, its mommys fault, i didnt have a hold of it....anyways, long story, but I think the darn thing is broken!! I took tylenol twice today, it still hurts just as bad now as it did then. I can hardly walk on it....hobble is a much better term! We did take the kids skating but i sat on my butt the ENTIRE time...which sucks cuz I was looking forward to counting that as exercise for today!! Hopefully the pain meds will help with that too after surgery cuz walking im afraid is giong to be a challenge for a few days/weeks! For those of you already past surgery, correct me if im wrong, but I dont think i can take anymore tylenol after today...i think i read somewhere that you must stop taking all meds 2 days before your surgery. I cant believe this is really happening THIS week.....2.5 days left.....OMG!!!!!!!
P.S. sorry for all the rambling....but I knew you would understand! :)
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
Glad things are going well --- each day will get better!
on 1/25/09 6:57 am - Des Moines, IA

on 1/25/09 6:41 am - Des Moines, IA
Thank you so much for posting those pictures! I appreciate it. Make sure you take pics frequently. You are going to be melting away as this winter will melt away into spring! Keep us updated on what it is like to be post op.

I read your profile too and you have come a long way from where you started. You hit the nail on the head when you said this surgery does not get rid of the food demons. As we all know, it is merely a tool to use but the real work is up to us.
As for uploading pictures...............I'm so computer challenged that I can't help you with that. But the social worker in me says put a post out there and someone will help you.

Keep updating on how you are doing...............I'd love to hear how things go for you.
Those incision pics aren't as bad as I thought I'd see. Band Aids I can deal with..............I just don't want him to have to convert to an open surgery! Thank you for sharing your new pictures. Keep them coming so we can see how much you change.

256-Day of surgery
225-First goal