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Ive heard this too and have been wondering about it myself! I think I read something about it on the main forum, but I havent been told anything about it from UIHC. Maybe you could check into it for us at your appointment next week? :)
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
Anyone know???
I am excited to go and REALLY excited that so many of us are able to go. There is still time if anyone is thinking of going.

Yes I was planning on riding along too as long as you got room. It looks like Carol B and I will be sharing a room. I am ok with dropping Thursday night as well since there is not much going on till Friday PM. I got to cut this short tonight. Talk to you later.
I still have a hard time recognizing my limbs now!!
I'd be coming from Des Moines area - I'm up for car pooling and meeting you in Iowa City. Only unknown right now is work and how much of the Thursday I need to spend there. So if you get enough people to fill up your seats - that's okay - go for it. I'm going to need to be flexible until we get closer to the date - but either way if possible I'd like to meet up with you all at the conference, car pool if it works out.
(Sorry for not getting back sooner - I've just been swamped at work and overscheduled at home lately)
So apparently working with preschoolers all day long everyday has NOT taught me how to count yet!! LMAO!!! :S I was reading a post on the main board about this girl who is 5 weeks out, when I glanced over to look at her surgery date only to find out it was the same date as mine!! So I got out my handy dandy calendar and started counting and SURE ENOUGH!! Im only 5 weeks out, NOT 6!!! Woopsies!!! Hee hee hee, minor mistake!!
With that being said, all of the above still applies and holds true, except that Im only 5 weeks out and not 6. Sorry for the mis-information!! :)
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
Hi Jody,
Im sorry if Ive already asked you this, are you wanting to ride along with us, meet up somewhere and carpool? Just making sure that I know who all is riding along so I dont tell too many people ya, we have room. I have 2-3 seats open still, depends on how comfortably we want to ride :D. Let me know! Sorry if Ive already asked! :>)
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
Im so excited that you are going along with us!! Woo hoo...this is going to be so much fun ladies!! :) There is plenty of room for you to ride along with us. So far I have Me, Carolia, and Carol B riding along. I have room for 3-4 more passengers if anyone else wants to ride along!! :) Oh, I think maybe Cheryl from Mt Pleasant is riding along too. Is that right Cheryl?? :) Havent heard from Michelle to see if she is going to ride with us or has other arrangements to get there but I heard from her last night and she said she is planning on going too!!
Also, for anyone with reservations already or planning to make some, Carol and I decided that we are going to go on Friday instead of Thursday. It sounds like the only thing going on in the afternoon on Friday is the clothing exchange from 2-5pm. Then there are some other activities in the evening. So we thought if we leave Friday morning we can be there in plenty of time to still get in on the exchange and have plenty of time to check in and get around for the event that evening. Check in isnt until 4pm, but it should all work out! :) I need to call still and cancel my Thursday evening, but this way it will save us money too on hotel rooms. And carpooling will save us all on gas as well, so it should be a pretty cheap weekend with the exception of food. It sounds like there are 3-4 resturants in the hotel also...but im assuming they are pricey!!??
Anyways, thats my input for now, LOL. Keep in touch on this!
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
Thanks for posting this! There are several of us already registered to come to Chicago and we are excited!! We'll have to make sure you know who we are...........of course, you'll know who we are because we will make lots of noise and let everyone know we are there!

Thanks for all you do to make the event so great!