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I know there were at least 5 or 6 of you planning to go to Chicago and all ride along/carpool together. I can remember who all you are, sorry, its been a while since Ive been on. However with that said, I need to find out if there is anyone who would be willing to drive everyone over? Or a couple of people? I was planning on going and driving but some family cir****tances have arrised and I am not able to go now. :( I was really looking forward to the time to get to know some of you and to get some great information from some great people!!
I want to appologize to each of you now for bailing on you all like this, and this close to the event. Im so sorry! I hope that someone will be able to step up to the plate and help out in this way so that the plans can stay similar. I was going to room with Carolia and needlesstosay will not be able to do that, but I will keep the reservation for her so if someone needs a room you might want to contact her to see about rooming together! :)
Thanks for all your understand, I hope that you will not be too mad at me! I also hope that this will not ruin anyones plans to be able to go.
Your friend,
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
You are in the perfect place! Those are some great questions, and I don't have the answer to the insurance question!! We all have lots of questions as newbies!!
When I submitted to ins. (just a couple of weeks ago) I had a letter from my PCP and my chiro stating that WLS would be beneficial for me and the reasons why. So hopefully when it comes time both of your will be willing to do that for you!
Have you decided on the type of surgery you want to have?
Surgery went well, he found a hiatal hernia when he got in there and had to fix that first before proceeding with the band. I had no idea I had one, that must explain my pain in the chest diaphram area. I have 5 incisions, the main one is much bigger than I expected, it is about 2.5 inches. That one and the port one have caused most of my pain, the other side has never bothered me. I was down 14 lbs since the start of my pre-op diet yesterday and I am down another pound today. My scale says I am officially in onderland!!!! Just by a hair.....Keep in mind I am a shorty....I have not been under 200 in over 5 years.
I have no memory of the anesthesia nor did I get sick afterwards, thank goodness that was my greatest fear. I had a great female anesthesiologist that made me feel totally safe in her hands, unlike the lady in the gurney next to me, her's came in and out with no info or warmth
So I am officially on the losers bench looking so forward to trying new foods/recipes to keep me on track. thanks to everyone whom has provided me support!!!!
I did complete and mail the letters that I mentioned in my original post on Monday. In the letter to BCBS, I shared that I had discussed the lifestyle changes I was putting into place - including that I joined a gym and the better food choices I was making - during my visits with my PCP and that, though the scale didn't show it, I felt that we did make positive progress during those visits AND that they helped me to realize many things about myself AND to prepare all the more for WLS. Then, when I got home on Monday, there was another letter from BCBS stating that specifically the medical records did not reflect that my PCP and I discussed and worked on lifestyle changes and an exercise plan. IRONIC!
Anyway, I spoke with my PCP's nurse this morning and explained to her what the situation is and that I need for my PCP to send BCBS a detailed account of the visits over the 6 months, including what we discussed, plans we made, and goals we set. I told her that my PCP should call me directly with any questions about this and, that if I don't hear from her, I will assume she is doing as I've requested.
So, I know that the information BCBS is requiring can be provided, and I am hopeful that they will reconsider and (fingers crossed) give me approval soon!
Many thanks to all of you for your suggestions and support!
It has meant a great deal to me!
I turned in copies of my WW books ... but if you did a six month supervised with your PCP - it sounds like perhaps the PCP just didn't provide the appropriate documentation about those efforts.
Also consider any reciepts you might have to show what you've done (payments for WW, doctor office visits, gym memberships, etc.) Some of those in the last year will be online if you paid by credit card, or your bank has an online banking to print your checks, or stuff you turned in if you have a flex account, etc.
I'm not great at keeping and organizing receipts - but I was impressed by what I could find through electronic record keeping.
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

I had mine through Cedar Falls/Waterloo with Dr. Matt Glas****
I choose to go to support group locally since I work for Mercy Hospital and live in northwood, waterloo is a far drive for me. Over 2 hours.
Come to our support group in Mason City, its the 4th monday of the month at the WEST campus off Eisenhower. Room #1 at 6:30pm. I am presenting on nutrition, exercise and vitamins this month, June 22nd. I will pass out a survival guide of everything I am going over and free samples from bariatric advantage including vitamins for band patients. Hope to see you there!
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos