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Topic: RE: Five year Plus
I am being checked right now for nesidioblastosis. My sugars have been all over the place and my abdomen where my remnit stomach has been painful for the past 2 months. I think that it is all related. I have been scoped, CT'd, X-ray and everything comes back normal. So my dr. is doing some blood work to check the c-peptide levels and some other things that are tied to that.
Please email me so we can chat about this. I am really scared at this point.
My email is [email protected]
I am being checked right now for nesidioblastosis. My sugars have been all over the place and my abdomen where my remnit stomach has been painful for the past 2 months. I think that it is all related. I have been scoped, CT'd, X-ray and everything comes back normal. So my dr. is doing some blood work to check the c-peptide levels and some other things that are tied to that.
Please email me so we can chat about this. I am really scared at this point.
My email is [email protected]
Supporting the fight of Aerial & Aunt Sally 

Topic: RE: Support group next weekend
Yep, I'm planning to go and taking m DH and possibly my daughter. The psychologist I saw for psych. evals. will be the speaker.
Topic: Support group next weekend
Anyone going to the Support Group in West Des Moines next Saturday? (the one for Iowa Health Bariatric Services)
on 9/3/09 4:53 am - IA
on 9/3/09 4:53 am - IA
Topic: RE: gaining weight
Your not alone, don't ever let them tell you it is your fault. These surgeries are not one size fits all and we are seeing more and more people gaining weight. What to do about it, once I figure it out, I'll tell you! Don't every say you are a failure, you are not, you wouldn't have lost #115 if you were. A lot of the dr will try to convince you that it is all your fault and make you feel like a failure. Look at this site, there are more people that regain than don't. If you feel you can't lose the 14 you've gained, try extremely hard to not gain anymore. Can they do anymore fills? Keep on them, that is there job and you are paying them to take care of you. Good luck, and keep your head up, your did a wonderful job!! :)
Topic: gaining weight
I had the lap band in Oct. 2007 and did great. I lost 115# in a short amount of time and had only a couple fills. This summer I was vomiting daily and had reflux and had to get an unfill. I immediately gained 14#!! I had a fill and have felt little restriction since then and was told to keep a food diary and then see the nurse prac. who does the fills. Well keeping a food diary is very hard for me and of course I am eating the wrong foods. So when I can keep the diary for 2 weeks I can then go into the office. I feel I need a fill but no diary = no fill! Anyway anyone else having this issue? I am exercising but it is hard not to eat between meals. I do not feel full. I am drinking my water too and it isn't helping. I feel like a failure, but however my eating problems have been with me probably since birth! You would think after almost 2 years of eating little food it would be no problem but it itn't. Any words of wisdom? I will keep trying to keep the diary and hopefully things will click. All of my old feelings have returned and I am again FAT! Thanks!
Topic: RE: Sure miss my Mason City support group
Sorry I guess I was unclear to where I moved. I moved to the upper pennisula of Michigan about 12 hours away from Grinnell. Yes, Dr. Coster did tell me about the meetings and so did the dietician. I got excellent care at Grinnell with both Dr. Coster and his staff. Since I lived 9 miles west of Mason City I went to the support group there at Mercy Hospital. It was a good support group for people from all different surgeons. The closest up here is in Duluth Minnesota which is about 3 hours away at night so not very feasible.
Thanks for the info though!
Thanks for the info though!
on 9/1/09 12:37 pm - IA
on 9/1/09 12:37 pm - IA
Topic: RE: Sure miss my Mason City support group
They have a support group in Grinnell, it used to be on Saturday mornings. Last time I went it was at the hospital. They usually have a surgeon talk and the dietician, or some other healthcare professional. Used to be very informational. I'm surprised if Coster did your surgery he didn't share that information with you, or nobody told you when you met with the dietician.
Topic: Sure miss my Mason City support group
I recently moved to the northwoods of the UP and there is no support group up here. Boy I have to say I miss my monthly support. Visiting with friends, bouncing ideas off of each other, talking with people who are in the same boat as you. Celebrating lifes ups and downs.
Anyway Hi all of you at Mason City Support group.
Anyway Hi all of you at Mason City Support group.
Topic: RE: Anyone else have trouble with G******?
I am a grinnell patient. Loved the hospital, loved the staff, and loved my doctor. 159 pounds less and feeling great. Always was able to talk to the nurse and then she would relay my questions on to Stephanie or Dr. Coster. Always got an answer back. The doctors are not always in house, but the nurses, believe me they are there to help you!
And actually I chose Grinnell because it was such an excellent place to have the surgery done.
And actually I chose Grinnell because it was such an excellent place to have the surgery done.