Taking a fork in the road in my life.
Good for you
I am kinda lucky over here....At NICC the RN program is 2 years and the LPN is only one. I was offered (there is a waiting list) a seat to get into Nursing I this fall (the actual nursing classes) But I passed on it.....I am going to start in the spring (which is Jan) So I will just continue with the other needed classes, helps me that my load will be lighter going into Concepts I & II having the other stuff done. Jason did get that job
And it involves a lot of travel the first few months.......so I am waiting till Jan for the big classes
Is there a waiting list there for the program? I don't know if I will take the boards and work as an LPN while finishing my RN and just go for it at once
We will see.....I suppose it will depend on what kind of job I could get and the girls schooling. In my senior yearbook there was a question on what do you plan to be doing in 10 years? My answer was to be working as a nurse, married, maybe a kid or two! So I am almost there......My ten year will be July 4th weekend and I am looking forward to it
CONGRATS-You'll do great. And before you buy books, you could always see which ones I have and I would be more than willing to give them to you if I am not using them.....I hate doing the book buy back thing at the college.....you pay over $100 for a book, use it a couple months and they give ya $8 for them
Anyways cool, but I was kinda thinking you were heading that way with your post awhile back
Take Care