Got my date--should I accept??
Well, Mercy Capitol called me this afternoon. I have my date--7/18/06. I've taken it but I have serious reservations. Here's the problem--I'm booked on a cruise 9/6-9/12. I've already paid and it's non-refundable. At the time I booked the cruise, I never imaged it would be taking this long to get the surgery. I booked this back in Nov or Dec and I thought I would be having my surgery in April at the latest. I would have 7 weeks from the surgery until the cruise. Do you guys think that would be ok or would you wait and schedule the surgery after? Time off from work is not really a factor. I work for the state and have 5 1/2 months of sick leave built up. Patti said they would see if there was anyway they could bump it up earlier, but I'm not going to count on that. Someone tell me what to do!!