Good Tuesday morning!
I have such a pounding headache.....darn sinuses!!! Kids were home all day yesterday too, and that didn't help (kinda easter break, all my kids got off was last Fri & yesterday) Did everyone have a good holiday? What about the storms last Thurs night.....I hope everyone made it thru those safe & sound
We had some strong winds with lightning and thunder but nothing to damaging. Looks like a lot of folks on here are getting close to surgery dates, and having the big tests.....wishing everyone well with all of that! Lisa it seems is having a birthday really soon
happy birthday to you! Not much else is going on over here.....pretty busy week with odds and ends going on, nothing fun really! Thanks for all the prayers for hubbys job.....he should find out this week.......
But he has done everything he can, the interviews are over, now it is just a waiting game (the part I hate the most)! I am still walking every morning with my seems like a small taks, but for me it is amazing....I never stick with exercise no matter how big or small.....but it is going on three weeks now
I feel good afterwards
Now if I could control my eating better, I'd be doing awesome! But I will work on one thing at a time. Well I am off to get the troups of to school......I hope everyone has a great week! Unfortunatly it doesn't look like the weather is gonna be to nice, but it is spring in Iowa
Take Care

Morning Jesi
This week is very hard on me. My closest aunt (person I could talk to about anything and everything, committed suicide on this day 7 years ago) and then my birthday the same week. I'm having problems. I'm trying to tell myself, to eat, (eat protein and drink water), but I just can't do it. Seems like everyday the day got sooner, to the day she died, I stop thinking about living my life and thinking more about her.
Enough of my making everybody depressed.
I have 3 more weeks left of school, then I will graduate May 12, if anybody is near Marshalltown. It's at the college at 7 that night.
My parents are doing a barbecue (fixing potato salad, grilling pork burgers and hamburgers, and of course they want to do a cake, not for me please)
Still getting my headaches, but hanging in there.
Well, need to get some school work done, so better close for now
Take Care
Lisa Young

It's pretty quiet here also. Just busy like usual!
Today we have dentist appts for both girls and one of these days I really need to schedule their well child checks.
Just another thing to plan.
I sit on the board of a non-profit and its near is almost at the end, so we've been busy planning a banquet and getting paper work in order. I'm thankful that I decided to not run for a position this coming year!
We've weather the storms so far, but I'm still bummed about IC. IC is my home away from home and it's just depressing for me to see the change. Here in CR, we've just gotten a ton of rain... oh well, it's good for my plants!
I'm kicking my butt into shape by teaching gymnastics these days. It's gotten me to the point that I was brave enough to take pictures in a swim suit!
If you decide to check those out and see my darling children, you'll have to let me know, because I have that album password protected... you can never be too safe these days!
Have a great week everyone!

HI all,
Our Easter was nice & quiet. The way I like it. I have been busy trying to make some decisions in my life. I'm not ready to go public yet as my plans are in ther very early stages. However, Jesi, this time I may be writng to you for some advice. And, just in case anyone is worried, my decision has nothing to do with my marriage. It's very secure.
I broke down & bought a KitchenAid mixer. I have always wanted one & got a very good deal, but now that I have it, I realize I'll have to use it & that means baking again. Right now I have 4 loaves of bread in the oven but I plan to give 2 of them away so I suspect the other two will go very quickly & I'll not be tempted to eat it. Bread is my downfall, I'm afraid.
My second son has a new girlfriend & for the first time he actually told me about her right away. Do you think that may mean something? They went to church together on Sunday & he had supper with her parents that night, just the 4 of them. I've met her & she seems very nice & down to earth. Matt is 32 so maybe this time.....
I have an appointment with a new optometrist this afternoon. My eye doctor of over 25 years is no longer taking our insurance & I can't afford to pay for it & not use it. Hope I like this new doctor.