6 Days and Counting....
My surgery is next Monday!!!!!! I started this somewhat of a liquid diet today (self-imposed)and so far its not too bad. Have a few appointments today to make things go by faster so I wont think about my last days before surgery are being spent without food. But its all for a good cause...I want to try to lose some extra weight before its time to hopefully make it go smoother. Drinking 2 proteins drinks for breakfast and lunch and then a lean cuisine for dinner. Oh boy!!! I went to GNC and bought a case of the pre-mixed water based Isopure and so far Apline Punch is not that bad, much more digestable than the Unjury that I tried. Little more expensive though, about $3 a bottle. Whatever it takes though!!!
Hope everything is going well for everyone else! See the DSM Mercy people on Tuesday night at the support meeting and if you don't check your Mercy website messages, wear comfortable clothing and shoes as they are some physical things that they have planned!
The 6 days will fly by (now it is 5 already
) Unjury is way spendy....there are other great brands of protien shakes out there much cheaper and that taste a LOT better.......but I wouldn't stock up on anything yet.....your taste buds can change drastically after surgery
Wishing you the best!!! Take Care