Sleep Study done..
and things went very well. The tech said he noticed a little snoring when I'm on my back, but other than that I had no problems.
What a weekend though..on Saturday about 4 hours after I got home from my sleep study I was standing on a chair cleaning the top of my entertainment center and I heard one of my daughters yell FIRE so I stopped and listened. Then I heard it again so I thought there was a fire so I jumped off the chair and when I did that I slipped and fell right on my left ankle.
So off to the hospital we went and the ER doc said he didn't see any breaks but I probably did something to my achilles tendon. So crutches, pain meds, and a "boot" is what I got til later today. I see a specialist this afternoon to look at it to see exactly what I did to it.
Hopefully no surgery...