Finally got to have tummy tuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone well I finally got to have my tummy tuck. I have been battling the flu and cold and all that icky winter stuff you get. To get you all up to date on things. I didnt get to go on my cruise my parents got custody of my sisters children the day we were suppose to leave for the cruise we had court three days before we were suppose to leave to go for the cruise. So Thursday the 13th I finally had surgery in Fort Dodge. I was so terrified it was so unreal. I didnt have any complications and i was up walking around about 3 hours after surgery. really didnt have much pain at all. That is a good thing because I would move and be sore and I would push the bottun for the pain medcine didnt think much of it. The pain wouldn't be so bad that I couldnt stand it. Well Friday the pain really didnt go away and was getting worse and i was telling my nurse about it she asked me why i wasnt using the pain medication i told her i was and showed her that i was to find out that the pump that i was using quit working. Well i went 15 hours with out any pain medication they fixed the pump and it started to take the pain away and I felt alot better. I got to my mom and dad's house Saturday afternoon. The day i had surgery they rushed my dad to the hospital and he is still in the hospital. The dr didnt send me home with any medication so I ended up calling my dr here at home and she called me some medication in. For the most part i feel good last night was a different story. But that is behind me. Not sure how much fat they took. I do know i dont have a belly button anymore.............................Lyndna
WOW! Good news to hear you got to have your tummy tuck
The pain gets better and better, you just stay so darn uncomfortable. And watch out for the swelling....if you start swelling really bad......sit down, your doing TOO much! I had the option of belly button or no belly button. The thing is, when they take the belly button they can usually get more off and get ya pulled tighter.....I actually opted for the no belly button, tight as you can option....but during the final drawing of my tummy right before surgery my hubby told her he was creeped out by the whole no belly button thing.......well apparently my PS sided with hubby and one of the first things she said when she came in to check on me afterwards was "jason I left you the belly button" .....I really didn't care, it is not like I am ever gonna go topless or anything
Now about your dad, sorry to hear he is in the hospital....I hope everything is okay, do they know what is wrong with him yet? I hope your mom is okay too....taking care of three kids and her hubby in the hospital
I will be thinking about all of ya!!! But it is good that the kids will be taken care of and the court stuff is done! Take Care and sending my best wishes to ALL of you~

Hello Lynda.
That is so awesome that you had your tummy tuck. I am so anxious to see you and hear all the details. That is the next stage for me. I am comtemplating if I should try for it or not. If I do I might look into that Fort Dodge Dr. I have only heard but good things about him and Fort Dodge is so close. How long were you in the hospital for this procedure?
Was this what they call a full body lift?
I am almost nearing my 1 year mark. Things seem to being going pretty.
I am in the process of helping my sister go through the approval process for herself.
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I know how it seems like it's just one thing after another.
Take care,