Hows your week? Happy Easter!
Good morning! Slow around here again. I talked to Andrea, her and the babies are all home
She sounded great! How is everyone doing this week? Any big news or accomplishments? Any good Easter plans? I started walking last week with my neighbor, and I am sticking to it....that is a MAJOR accomplishment for me! I am trying to eat better too.....if I have any shot at losing these last few pounds
I gotta! I got worried when I went out shopping for jean shorts and ended up buying all size 12's because they were comfy (I am normally in 10's) Kinda made a lightbulb go off in my head
Not up to much, enjoying the nicer weather and keeping busy with life! Hubby is up for a new job that he REALLY that is kinda stressful, I prays he gets it!!!
Anyone else wanna pray for us??
Easter will be the same ole' stuff! We are heading to Charles City Thursday night.......Easter dinner will be at my grandmas. While over there I am gonna hit W'Loo & C'falls to go shopping on Friday. Thats about it........nothing to exciting! Every chime in and give us updates
Take Care.....have an enjoyable and safe holiday!

I will pray for your husband that he gets the job!!! Easter should be fun. We are getting together at my grandma's house to have lunch on Sunday. All my family will be there. I bought a new dress so I'm excited to wear it.
I'm excited to buy new spring and summer cloths. I'm trying to wait until my weight stops going down. I have 13 pounds more to lose before I have a normal BMI and I'm 9 months out so I should be stopping soon. I don't want to buy a lot of spring cloths and then not be able to wear them. I think I will still drop 1 more size. I'm in a 12 now but they are getting big so maybe I'll end up in a size 8. I would be really shocked if I did but you never know. My daughter is excited for the Easter bunny to come and leave her eggs and candy and her basket. We are going to color eggs on Friday night so that will be fun.
Hope everyone has a great Easter.

Heya Jesi.....Happy Easter!!!! I hear ya on those last few pounds,seems like they like it just fine where they are,lol They dont wanna leave
ahhh well I will just keep on trying lol !! Easter is going to be very different for us this year..I gotta work so I have 2 sons and their GF's that are going to cook us all a late Easter supper...I am excited !!! Well Have a good weekend,have fun shopping!! And of course prayers in the air for your HUbby!!! Type at ya later.

Hi Jesi,
I'll pray your husband will get his promotion. I'm still trying to decide what I'll do when my job ends. This knowing it's going to happen but not knowing when, is frustrating. I have a "1 on 1" with my manager today. Maybe he can tell me more. I'm starting to consider going back to school once more. I did this in 1998 to get the training I had for this job but now I realize how limited my skills have become. I'm starting to toy with going back to school once more. Not saying anything more as it probably won't happen. I just wi**** wasn't such a long commute with the present gas prices.
Took a very strange call Monday night at work. Someone called our direct line, don't have a clue how they got the number, & accused me of kicking his dog during my lunch hour. I couldn't convince him that I hadn't even been there at that time & he kept insisting it was me. At first I thought he had misdialed & was calling from a different state but he was in Waverly. It actually got quite funny. He was so mad at me. I finally suggested that he come down & I'd talk to him face to face. I tried to get him to tell me where he thought I worked but he kept saying that I knew so why did he have to say. Anyway, as soon as I hung up I called security & told him what was going on. I told him that he could handle it however he wanted to & if he wanted, I'd come out & talk to the guy. He said he'd kick him off the property. Well, he never showed up but now it's become a joke. Parker, the guard, told me yesterday that PETA was out front picketing because I was a dog kicker!
I probably should have just hung up on him & not baited him but it was very funny. The one thing I didn't think about though is that I am all alone when I get off work at 12:30 AM. I sure would hate to run into him in the parking lot.
So if you hear on the news about a woman found dead of dog bites in a parking lot in Waverly, you'll know what happened.
After reading that, it's obvious that I am having a very boring week- oh, wait, I did something yesterday that I have put off for 35 years due to my weight. I took the CPR & defibrilator training. I haven't been able to do it because my knees prevented me from working on the floor. To be honest, it wasn't easy to be on my knees yesterday but I did it. I never could have done it before losing my weight. Now, I can yell, "CLEAR!"

It'll be busy around our house. Church tomorrow night (I might not go), church Friday night, (I have to go since the bellchoir is playing and I'm the director), work out on Saturday and get a massage, bake something for Easter breakfast at church, have to be at church by about 6AM Sunday to set up for bells, then the breakfast, then second service, home and have to bake and decorate a cake for a baby shower on Tuesday, buy stuff for a bridal shower on Wed. Whew, I'm tired already. Then in 2 weeks we're off to San Diego. Two weeks after we get back, we're off to Florida for a real vacation. I see a beach with my name on it! Sometime in there I should have my 2 year check-up. That might not happen until June. Provided I can find my doctor. He's leaving Boone and going to Grinnell. I really want to be at goal by the time I see him. Damn last 4 pounds! 
Up a pound, down a half, up a half, down a pound, back up a half. You know how it goes. GRRRRRR!
262/146/142 (I WILL GET THERE!!!!)

Hi Jesi:
I'll be sending positive vibes your way, good luck with your hubby and his job!! My husband and I both work this weekend, so no big plans for Easter. I have a 4 month old grandson, so of course I'm making a big basket for him!! No chocolate bunnies, only a stuffed one!! My kids are 14, 16, 19, and Mom still gives them baskets of goodies!! My oldest, a son, moved to a residential facility in November. He has autism, but is fairly high functioning. He will be coming home Sunday to spend the day, so that will be nice! The move was much harder on Mom than him, he's doing wonderfully at his new home!! take care and Happy Easter to everyone!! Yeah spring is here!!!

Hi Jesi and everyone.
Sending good vibes that your hubby gets the promotion that he is looking for. Those are always exciting and nerve raking at the same time. Easter we will be at my Mother in Laws and grill out. Kids are still young so if it is nice we will hide eggs outside but if not then we will do it inside which loses the fun of hiding eggs. Hope that everyone has a wonder Easter.
Hi Jesi!
My birthday is Saturday so my sister and I are going to get pampered and have pedicures and manicures. We will have Easter dinner at her house Sunday. It will be a challenge because I am still on pureed foods until the last week in April and I haven't told all my family about the surgery and really don't want to. Trying to figure out how to pull it off and keep my secret.
I return to work on Monday. I have been so blessed with this beautiful weather. It has been great to walk every day. I am walking 2-4 miles a day. I hope I don't get out of the routine after I return to work.
I have to mail off a check to Uncle Sam on Saturday. We have adjusted our withholding so hopefully we won't have to next year, I hate having to pay!
I will be praying your husband gets the job he wants. Have a great Easter!
Jan Marie
My husband is on call this weekend, so we can't go far. We're planning on going to his grandparents where all the family will be. His mom is one of 7, and most of them will be back - I'm not sure how many of the grandchildren and great grandchildren will be there. It's always a good time though. I hadn't thought much of it, because the family saw me at Xmas - but one of his aunts stopped by the other day and walked right past me... she thought I was my sister - which I don't have!
I think that's so bizarre, because I look like I did 10 yrs ago... she just didn't know me then.
Now I'm slightly freaked out about how the rest of them might react!
Otherwise, we're just keeping up. I can't believe that summer is almost here. I've been gardening like a mad woman and still have some work to do... oh, and I think I'm going to start teaching gymnastics!
I didn't see that in my future...