Post-Op a week
Hi everyone,
I am only post-op a week but I am struggling to get all this liquid and food down. Dr. Coster told me to drink the protein shake throughout the day, but I do so much better sipping on it for an hour or so. Is that bad? I tried a different protein shake that is vanilla. It made me sick. I don't know if it was the vanilla or the brand. The smell of food makes me feel sick. I have tried several different things, but have a horrible time trying to eat 6 times a day. I am so scared that I made a mistake. I researched the surgery for several years before putting my mind to getting it done. I have fought with being overweight since turing 5. Now I have a daughter who is 6 and I want to be a good example for her. I think I am also very frustrated because I thought the pounds would just melt off and I sure don't feel like they are. Any advice would be wonderful! Thanks Tiffany
My advice is try and be patient.
I know how you feel!! It is so hard to get all the water in at first. You are only a week out. It is easy to get frustrated right now because at first it is hard to get 6 meals in and all your water. At first I hardly ate. The smell would make me sick.
I'm 9 months out now so things have changed. Don't be so hard on yourself. You just had major surgery and this is just the beginning. Things get so much better!!!
I have lost 154 pounds in 9 months with only 13 to go. I feel so much better now. Just give it time and hopefully you will be saying the same thing really soon!! Good luck on this Journey!!!

Thanks for the advice. I am starting to have an easier time getting the fluids down, but food is still awful. It was nice to hear that I am not the only one who has ever struggled with that. I really got my spirits lifted yesterday. I went to have my staples removed and lost 20 pounds! It is amazing that you lost that much weight so fast. Thanks again for the encouragement and good luck to you too!
Welcome home
Don't worry about getting all your fluids or food in. For MOST people that is just impossible this soon out! Just get as much fluid in as you can. If you can drink the protein shake over an hour, I think that is fine. Are you making them with milk or water? When I make mine with milk I
. And the weight will start to fall off. I was irrate the first time I stepped on the scale at the hospital, I had gained like 12lbs
But it was water weight. Have faith, it will happen! Take Care and good luck

Hi Tiffany..Like Jesi said,it has only been a week,ya gotta give yourself time to heal! Just get as much liguid in as you can,heck I was still on all liguids at that stage! The weight will come off,when you are able to eat and drink more and being able to get out and walk a lil too helps a bunch!!! I dont regret for a day that I made this life change it has improved the quality of my life 10 fold,but I have got soo frustrated a long the way too so dont feel bad about them days either...I think they are normal!!Good Luck to you,this site is awesome for info,this board just has been very very slow for a while!! Keep in touch and keep us posted...welcome to the losing side

Thanks for the advice. I am starting to get the liquids down easier, but food makes me sick. On a better note...I lost 20 pounds as of yesterday, so I must me doing something right! I also think so far that this site is very helpful. It is nice just to be able to vent
! Thanks again!
Take care,