Body Composition test
I have been whining so much to the PA about my high BMI that she suggested I get a body composition test done and I did it today. It is more accurate. It kind of helped me feel a bit better. It said I have 28.6% fat. My target number is 23% which would be a 16 lbs loss. I checked the Internet to see what is normal & for women acceptable" is anywhere from 22-28% so I am getting close. Funny, if I lose 16lbs, I'll be exactly at the weight I had set as my goal. Now, if I can convince that 16 lbs to come off & specifically off the thighs & backside.
Now, the report I got said that just existing I burn over 1700 calories a day. Combine that with my activity level (light) and one other number that I can't remember, I am supposed to be burning around 2500 calories. I haven't eaten half that much in one day since my surgery so why isn't it going? Metabolism is shot!

Where did you get it done, and was it spendy? Is that the one under water or with the pair of pinchers that pinches fat, or the machine you hold in front of your chest?? I have wanted to do something like that too(I have done the pinchers & machine in front of ya, but a long time ago). Maybe your not eating enough calories???? Maybe your body is holding onto everything in fear of not getting enough
I honestly have no clue, you know I am in the same boat! I wonder if you went to a place like the Y and got a month membership you could work with a trainer and figure out how to get stuff moving......I know at our always get to meet with the trainers to get weighed, body fat analyzed (pincher way) and they work with you to target specific areas....they will even help you with calories, like how many you need etc......get good info for a month, and see if it helps, then you could do stuff on your own, or stick with it
Just ideas......I just realized our Y membership ran out......bummer.......but I did start walking every morning with my neighbor.....hoping it helps a bit. Talk to you later.....Take Care

Hi Jesi,
I go to Waverly Health Promotions, a gym at the Waverly Hospital. That's where I had the test. It is none of the ones you mentioned. Ths one cost me $10.00 & they run a current (you can't feel it) through your body from your wrist to your foot & it measures the amount of fat. It's supposed to be more accurate than the pinchers. I've never hear about the one you hold. I do know that the most accurate is one where they submerge you to your neck in water. They offer that one at UNI's fitness center, I believe. I had this one done soon after I joined WHP & I know I was around 33% (before the TT). They have trainers but I've never been impressed. They take you around & show you how to exercise but that's about it. I go there mainly for the water exercise but when I have time I use their recumbant bike & lift weights. Unfortunately, our schedule here at home makes it almost impossible to get there early enough to do anything before going to work. I wash the milkers after Al gets done milking & he is so dang late starting anymore that I'm out there at 1:30 or later & then I have to get dinner on. Oh, I wish my hubbie was a "normal" dairy farmer, one who gets up in the morning. It's after 9 & he's still sleeping.
MY membership at WHP expires at the end of this month. I may let it lapse & join Covenant's Wellness center & work with Timi for awhile. She is great but it means driving down to Waterloo & it's so much easier to stop at the hospital since I have to go to Waverly for work anyway.
I have toyed with trying to eat more but everytime I do it, I gain a couple pounds. That's how I picked up the two I've gained since the first of the year. It was my goal to lose just one lb a month. Instead of losing 3 so far, I gained 2 lbs! According to the report I got, if I "cut back" to "just" 2096 calories, I'll lose 1 lb a week! Ya, right, with my metabolism, I'll gain that much & more. I really don't think I'm starving myself. I should just get back to writing everything down & take it to the nutricianist for her advice. I see the endocrinologist in 4 weeks. It probably would be a good idea to keep the food journal for her too. I hate doing that because I can never figure out the numbers. I use Fitday but so much of what I cook is mixed together, like casseroles, & how do you know if you got 1/4 cup of veggies with 2 oz of meat, etc?
I knew this was not "the easy way out" when I had the surgery. I just didn't realize how hard it would be at this point. Anymore, my whole life revolves around what I put in my mouth & I'm sick of it but I'm so afraid that if I mess up at all, I'll be back gaining again.
Gosh Dixie -- you've got me beat.... I had the trainer at the Wellness Center check mine this am -- it's the one you hold out in front of you like Curves has. Anyway I was 31.9. Last fall I had Timi do mine with one of those that has the electrodes you put on your legs and I think wrist. I don't remember what it was, but it was in the 20's somewhere. I've heard that type is supposed to be more accurate.
I agree that our metabolism sucks. The trainer told me if I were to concentrate more on weights that my metabolism would stay up better. I wish I had a crystal ball to tell me just the right things to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm chasing my tail!! Geeze that would be exercise too wouldn't it????

I've read that type of test is not very accurate. I'd go with Timi's results. By the way, she is coming to support group next month & is supposed to be doing the tests that night. I wonder how accurate they'll be though. I had to not exercise or eat for 2 hours plus drink at least 32 oz in the 2 hours before.
I see the endocrinologist in a couple weeks. Hopefuly she will help me with my metabolism or at least give me some tips.
hey, I know a good exercise.. let someone else chase you! Oh, but you'd let him catch ya.