percentage of weight loss
Hey Everyone....
I was doing my normal thing of reading the website. I was using the calculator to see how much weight I might loose just as an average expectation. It says 65% well that would leave me still 58 pounds overweight. Leaving me weighing about 192 pounds. While that is a huge improvement from my 309 pounds that is still a little disappointing. I was hoping for maybe 160ish range. That only leaves me 30ish pounds to loose on my own. That is doable. What is the percentage of weight loss you have expierenced?
I've lost 91-92% of my excess weight (depending on if you look at my weight before or after the liquid diet).
I'm sure most surgeons have a percent that they consider successful, in addition, they probably have an average percent that their patients reach.
After all of that is said, it really is just numbers - plus, not everyone is reporting, so it isn't even that accurate. I would definitely focus more on the the health benefit more than the number on the scale. Of course that number is great to see, but I think I posted before that it was my cholesterol numbers that brought me to tears.
Yeah I hear ya.....way depressing knowing how far we have come only to still be "overweight" according to the charts
I think the reason they say 65% is because that is what a surgeon considers a success. Many go way beyond that tho.....Before my little regain of 11lbs (
) I was at 93% of excess I am more 83% loss. It is very possible to lose that last 30lbs on your own.....but it is VERY HARD....listen to Dixie and myself....we struggle daily with 15lbs to go! The best thing you can do for stick with the program until you get every last pound off that you want. Once you go back to eating more normal, more carbs, diet soda, whatever it GETS HARD!!!!!!!!!! On that chart you can go down and put it whatever percentage you want to play with....type in a few of ours and see where that puts ya! Wishing you the best! Take Care and good luck