New to Iowa
Welcome to the tall corn state! The board is a little slow right now, but the natives are friendly. I've been to Virginia and you really can't see the forest for the trees! Wonderful state, so rich in history. It made me humble to think I was walking where the great founding fathers walked. I loved Monticello. While we were in Williamsburg, we were sitting in our car, it was raining, and we were looking at a map trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B. A pizza delivery guy asked if he could help. He told us to just remember that Williamsburg was laid out by a drunk Frenchman. We got soooo lost there! But it was a great vacation. We might not have the history in Iowa, but we have great, friendly people. If you need help, someone will be there. So welcome!
I know the weather here hasn't been that great it's kinda makin me depressed I'm use to it being really sunny and warm but it's been really gloomy here. hopefully it will get better soon. I lived in virginia for about 4 years my husband just recently got out of the Navy, and got a job at Alcoa so hopefully that goes well. Hopefully the insurance that we will get through there will cover the surgery. People here seem pretty nice i'm use to the city and people not being so nice but i'll get use to it. but thanks for responding talk to you later.
hi DeeDee My name is Mandy.. I live in Davenport.. definately come to the support group at Genesis!! The next one is on April 19th at 6:30 email me privately and i will give you more information.. my email is [email protected] youd like i can give you my phone #.. always like new buddies!! btw.. my family is from WV and I spent summers at Norfolk.
Hey and welcome! I live in is about an hour north of you! I like Davenport. My best friends brother works at Alcoa, he loves it there. When you find out what insurance he has, you can look it up on here and see who has had luck with it. I would also suggest going to the Genesis suport group......they will help ya, I might be there too
Take Care and wishing you the best.