Good Wednesday everyone....check in time
I hope everyone is well this Wednesday morning. I had thought today was supposed to be sunny.....but it is gray here
I need to see some sun and QUICK!!!! How is everyone doing? I am good.....I actually am proud of myself for something.....yesterday I had to make some 40+ cupcakes for the girls school......and I didn't eat a single one
Now for me, that is HUGE!!!! I even sent the leftovers to school with the kids, so they don't sit here and tempt me. My 4 year old was mad, but heck she doesn't need them either!!! Plus I have been really good at getting in my pills and water. Hopefully I will start seeing some results on the scale
Me and my neighbor walk when it is nice.....I think I am gonna go see if she is ready to is pretty nice in the mornings now. I am hoping to get to see Andrea yet this week.....she has been spending most her time at the hospital with the babies and she isn't getting much sleep.....she could use the company I think. The babies are doing good....they just need to gain weight and be able to control their temps. But still remember them in your prayers. I hope to have a good rest of the week.....hope everyone else does too!!! SO feel free to drop us a line and tell us about your week thus far, or what you plan to do for the rest of the week or anything!!! Take Care

HI Jesi I'm glad to hear you beat temptation.
I know how hard that can be.
I have to take it a day at a time now with sweets because I love them so much. So I try everyday to make it without them. Before it was easy but somewhere after 6 months it started to get harder.
I hope Andrea keeps up her energy and finds time to rest. I would be doing the same thing and being at the hospital a lot. It has to be hard to go home without the babies.
Well this week is going to be great. I close on my house on Friday.
This is my first house and I'm so excited.
It has an under ground pool in the back so POOL PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!
I'm going to be busy moving and packing and unpacking over the next few weeks. Hope everyone is doing well.

Hello Jesi,
I would still like to get together again! I have lost 92 pounds! I just can't believe it. I feel like I did 7 years ago. I have about 40 to go. I still go to the Y 4-5 times a week. I am on the elliptical for 50-60 minutes and some weight training. Let me know if you want to get together for excercise or to talk I would love your WLS friendly foods I am in a rut. I did find South beach diet wraps and love them! I can eat one.
Take care

Good for you on the cupcakes.... I'm afraid my willpower is a little thin in that area!! Got good and bad news today ~~ good news is I got a pair of great seats to see Kenny Chesney in concert next month!! wooo hooo Bad news ~~ doctors office called and they want to talk to me about my A1C (diabetes) blood test. I just had my 2 year labs drawn and have my checkup at the surgeons office in a couple weeks, but my PCP wants to talk diabetes meds and I know she wants me back on them. I've been working out and (usually) watch what I eat... I knew going in this was not a cure for diabetes and I'd rather have it under control. I got weaned off my med for depression (Paxil) and so I feel really good about that. I was worried about side-effects, but it wasn't too bad.
I'm sure Andrea can't wait to get the babies home ~~ Jesi you're a saint for pitching in to help her. I'm sure having twins of your own you know how hard it can be for her.
More good news is I'm looking at having the "girls" lifted and have a consult on 4/4. This will be self-pay and I'm borrowing the $$ for it, but I'm so ready!!!
I've had the cold from hell this week and haven't worked out at all ~~ today is actually the 1st day I'm feeling human!! Will get back to that as soon as I'm able (gotta be able to breathe!!) I'm anxious to get into shorts and sandals again ~~ warm weather where are you? Oh yeh, this is Iowa!!
That's my update -- except that I've met the love of my life.... now if I could only see into the future!! ha ha
272/135/160 (yep I gained)

Good morning
I woke up this morning with drainage, and not feeling too good. I have a great weekend planned out, and now I'm going to be miserable.
My parents both had or still has sinus infection from h****. I think I have it now.
Saturday, I'm going to my support group in Des Moines. And then going shopping. If I'm feeling up to it.
Well, gotta get some work done, before I feel more sick.
Take Care
Lisa Young