Woohoo!! 102 lbs gone....
Good morning everyone!!
I finally got two days off in a row from work so I'm starting to feel human again. I'm working at the new Walmart in Anamosa and helped in the whole setup etc. and now that we are open, it has been crazy there. People have been waiting a long time in this area for a grocery store with good prices so they are buying, buying, buying....yikes! I am in inventory control/stocking/unloading trucks etc. and it's pretty heavy work. The up side is that I don't need to lift weights or do cardio (as if I have any energy left to that anyway) because I am walking 7-10 miles a day and lifting weights (gallons of milk while loading the cooler).
Has anyone else had the weird flu that is going around? Last Tuesday, as I was putting on my makeup for work, I got really dizzy. I tried sitting down, laying down and nothing helped. It was like that drunk feeling dizzy. I went to call my husband at work and just starting throwing up (more like dry heaves because I hadn't eaten anything yet). I wasn't even feeling sick. This continued for about 6 hours... a few more heaving episodes and so dizzy that I couldn't walk.
I called in sick and then slept for a few hours and felt better. Since then, I've had a few episodes of dizziness in the mornings (none today so far) but no throwing up. Very weird but I've heard that other people have had the same thing so I don't think it's related to my surgery.
I'm really happy to have passed the 100 lbs lost (after that nasty 4.5 week stall) and now hope to be in ONEderland soon.
Hope all is well with everyone .......
306.5/204.8/146 more or less

Cindy, I don't really have trouble getting in enough protein but I have to work at the fluids just because of the waiting period between eating and drinking at lunch time. Typically, I have a protein shake for breakfast made with Carb Countdown chocolate milk and protein powder (32 grams of protein) just because I'm not much for eating anything heavy in the morning. I usually keep beef jerky with me at all times so I have a few pieces during my breaks and chug 6-8 ounces of water right before I go back to work. I always take my lunch which is usually meat and cheese, occasionally a burrito on a low carb tortilla etc. Then I wait half an hour and drink as much water as I can before I go back to work. During the day, I will try to get to the water fountain as often as possible. When I get home from work, I try to eat a small salad with some kind of meat and then I drink 32 ounces of tea before I go to bed. I rarely ever get hungry so when I do eat, I try to make it mostly protein. Occasionally I have a small can of low sugar juice or some strawberries, nuts or low carb yogurt.
Yes, Wally World is kicking my butt but at least I'm getting lots of exercise and they pay me instead of me paying them...

WOOOHOOOO! Nice to see you & to see that your doing so well
Sorry to hear you got a tummy bug....hate that!!!! ABout getting dizzy still....could be a number of things really.....drop in sugar, blood pressure, standing up too quickly, bending over too quickly, hot showers.....SO many things can be the culprit. It is something tho I would discuss at my next appt, or even put a call in to see what Angie has to say.....But a lot of times it just happens
Wishing you continued sucess.....Take Care

Thanks for all the kudos everyone!! It's back to work today ...sigh! I shouldn't complain, I didn't work for 6 whole months and this really is a way to keep active although I hate missing out on the occasional warm days we are having. I really want to get out there and work with my horses because I plan to do lots of riding this year. I'm really lucky in that I don't really NEED to work 'cause hubby makes enough to support us but hey, I have to pay for all the new clothes I plan to buy, right?
Jesi, haven't had any dizzy spells in two days so hopefully it was just left over from the flu. Or maybe I just needed a rest....
Have a great day!!