
Nicole: Thanks for the welcome! I am so excited to 'meet' people that have had the surgery at Genesis and by the team there. It is very nice to know that I am not the only one in this area that is doing this!!
On a side note: I happened to check out your wouldn't happen to teach at Clinton Community College...would you?
If so, I may end up seeing you..I used to teach GED and ABE there...about 9 years ago. (Before kids) With all this change going on I decided to ditch the Education degree and go back for my RN. So I am in pre-nursing at CCC right now. Of course you could be at Ashford...(I think that is what it is called this year...they change the name so dang often...
If you feel like sharing your experience I am all ears! You can Email me if you like!!
Thanks again...for the warm wishes. I look forward to getting to know everyone and sharing this journey with others who have been there!!

welcome Laura
yes I must agree it is cool that your ins suggested you to check this site out it has been very informative for my self I have gotten most of my information from the people here I almost gave up and Deeanne bless her heart was very helpful so dont be afraid to ask questions these gals,guys here are great