Roll Call
Good Monday evening! I hope everyone is well! Yesterday was so much! Very cold and windy here. I went out with hubby and friends Saturday night and still it is tough getting older-I don't remember hang-overs being bad when I was in my teens/early twentys......but man, they just aren't worth it these days! Tho I did have fun dancing and listening to the band. I guess there is a big karoke night coming up in April that we are all gonna go to .....That should be fun! I went to the surgeon today to schedule the gallbladder removal. He is a general surgeon and wants me to get a second opinion first.....he wants a gastric bypass doc to rule out anything going on with my intestines first since my symptoms aren't totally gallbladder typical. I did have the hidascan that showed my gallbladder with very little function, but the pain isn't typical (so he says) So I am back to square one
I guess I should be happy, but I just hate all the stinking tests.....what sorta test can a WLS do?? Is there even test for the intestines and old stomach??? I need to get feeling better and if I need surgery again, I need it before fall when nursing clinicals I am kinda stressing!!! OKAY OKAY~enough complaining.....I just needed to vent a little! My insurance was great tho, and said I could see the doctors at Genesis (totally in-network) so I got ahold of them today and go to see the surgeon on April 6th. I asked about Dr. G too, but he wasn't in my network. I was SUPER worried, I have switched insurances since I had my WLS and my new insurance doesn't cover gastric bypass, so I was afraid they would label it pre-existing.....but they didn't
Now having to go to Davenport, I might get to see Andrea more
I did talk to her today.....she is now at home on bedrest with the twins.....she is in her 32week I think! She is anxious, ansy, excited, stressin all at once......she could surely use some prayers, as she has her hands FULL
I am hoping to be able to get down there yet this week to help her out. Anyways......Thats about it from me! How is everyone else week going? Anything new or exciting?? Anyone break some plateau's (i wish) or reach some goals? I see there are a lot of people with surgery dates approaching.....wishing you the best! I hope to hear from everyone......Take Care

Board is pretty quiet. So I'll check in. I'm sorry you seem to be getting the run a round with the gallbladder thing. But better safe than sorry. Even tho you were all ready to have that thing ripped out!
This week so far (it's young yet) at work is a whole lot better than last. No bosses. All on vacation. Plus it's spring break here so a lot of people took off. It's pretty nice.
I think I've traded the food addiction for exercise addiction. I joined Mercy Wellness Center and I'm hooked. I'm doing water aerobics 3-4 times a week and cardio/wt training 2-3 times. I'm working with a personal trainer. He worked me over Saturday. I told him I'd probably be sore. But I wasn't. So I went in yesterday to do cardio and wts. Jesse was there and asked if I was sore. Me, being an honest dummy, says, Oh, I'm not sore at all! He then said he'd have to work me harder next week. Someday I'll learn to keep my mouth shut!
So we've had supper, I have my lunch made for tomorrow, my gym bag packed and I'm just waiting for the snow. Haven't even seen a snowflake yet.
Send my hugs to Andrea when you talk to her! I don't envy her.
Snow? What snow? I do believe that we up in the NE will be missed this time!!!! We can certainly use the moisture but I'll be happy to bid good-bye to the snow for the year. It's SPRING!!!!!!

I'm taking 2 days of vacation this week, tomorrow & Friday to take a couple heirloom sewing classes in Waterloo. I recently spent my annual bonus on a fancy sewing machine that does all the thinking for me & at the classes I'll be using even fancier machines. I'll be making a linen vest for me, a fancy lace sachet, & a "T" bonnet which will probably be Emilee's Easter bonnet. I'm really excited about these classes. Can you tell?
My belly button is healing nicely. Did I mention that I had it pierced? I know that Jesi knows about it but I can't recall if I posted that I did it. Yes, folks, I am having a midlife crisis & this is what I did about it. I love my new piece of jewelry. I believe it's my granddaughter's birthstone. I'm enjoying the startled looks I get when I tell people what I did. Remember I am a bit long in the tooth, 55 years old. My greatniece works in the beautyshop next door to the place I got it pierced & I promised her that I'd stop in & show it to her. When I did she introduced me to the others in the shop & said, "This is my great-aunt & she just got her belly button pierced" I realized that "belly button pierced" & "great-aunt" do not belong in the same sentence. I have a hard time explaining just why I did it but to be honest (blush) it makes me feel incredibly sexy. (Did I really reveal that?)
Jesi, please tell Andrea that I am thinking about her & keeping her & those babies in my prayers. Also tell her while she is at home resting that she needs to post & let us know personally how she's doing.

Hi Jessie, good to hear from you. This board is just crawling any more. But that may be a good sign. Maybe everyone is just so active now they don't have time to write.
My week has started with a bang. I was off for 2 days last week and it always takes me a couple days to catch up what my sub has done. Not that the sub isn't good just not the way I would do things and certain paper work they can't do. You know how it goes. Any way yesterday my supervisor was pulled to cover for another ill person in the jr. high and I didn't get a break all day. I was in this room for 8 hours and teachers needed all kinds of things. It is the end of the term and alot of the students are trying to get there classes caught up or tests made up and so on. Needless to say I was pooped. I was already pooped from moving my daughter, I guess I am getting old because at one time I could have moved her and still been full of energy the next day. Instead I just want to take a nice long bath and a nice long nap.
Gee I wish I was closer to Andrea I would love to give her a hand. Poor thing. I sure hope she does what the drs. tell her and not get to bored just laying there. That has to be so hard, she is used to having control or at least her hand on everything. Give her my best and well wishes. Can't wait to hear about the new twins.
I am sorry to hear you are still fighting the gall bladder. I sure hope they figure it all out soon. That can't be to much fun not feeling good all the time. I am happy your insurance is going to cover it though. That is a relief.
Well have a good week and thanks for posting.
Cindy G.

Hello everyone. I hope they find out what's wrong Jesi but like Lyn said better to be safe that it is your gallbladder before they take it out. DIXIE I can't believe you got your belly button pieced!!
Congrats!!! I'm so Jealous. I bet it looks SEXY
I hope I have a flat stomach one day so I can get mine done. We did get snow here in Des Moines.
I thought it was spring but it sure doesn't seem like it. I did break my Plateau.
I was at 197 for 3 weeks but in 2 weeks I have lost 9 pounds and I'm down to 188. SO I'm so happy with that. I almost have lost 150 pounds. Just 1 more to go to hit that 150, and 18 to go till goal. I'm now 8 and a half months out and hope to be at goal by the 1 year mark. So NO MORE PLATEAUS!!! Well I hope everyone is doing good. And I encourage anyone who hasn't posted before or don't post to much to post and give us an update.
18 to goal
8 1/2 months out

We don't have much snow in CR - it seems to be south of us. The roads were pretty slick this morning though.
Gall bladders suck!
I have a good friend who runs a nuclear med dept - I'll have to ask her what all things they can do for different tests.
Well, after whining (ok, I don't whine much!) yesterday, I stepped on the scale to see that missing pound - so I've officially lost 100 lbs! I have to say though, after sitting at -99 for a few weeks, it wasn't as exciting as I had thought it would be. Then I went to my PCPs office to pick up my bld work.
My cholesterol is down 80 points!!! This is _such_ a huge thing for me. My best friend died of a heart attack at 28, my father had a quintuple bypass by 57... both brothers have issues also. To see those results... holy crap!
That blew the 100 lb news out of the water!
I always wondered if I hit a certain weight, if I'd cry with happiness - nope, but get my cholesterol back did it! It really proved to me that it wasn't the size of my butt that really mattered to me - it truly is my health.
OK, I'm finished being cheesy now.
And I'm still in shock over Dixie getting pierced!

Hiya Jesi....Sry to read that you are having problems, hopefully they will get to the bottom of it soooooooooooon! So hang in there!
All is well here, been very busy but will only get busier as time goes on as I have my sisters upcoming wedding and my sons graduation! I just got out of the hospital yesterday, seems I have a kink in my intestine, which caused me to get backed miserable! BUT am feeling alot better now....needless to say I don't think Im full of it anymore LOL!!!!
We had about 8inches of snow here, so those of you who didn't get any are lucky cus it sure made for a messy day here. Am looking forward to this weekend as my hubby is taking me away for the night, to see Rob Thomas in concert, and a night in a Hotel wooooooohooooooooooo!!!
Be sure to tell Andrea hello for me, also give her a BIG HUG and tell here that she is in my prayers!
Keep us updated....good luck to you!
Love ya,