Good Tuesday Morning!
I haven't done this for awhile. How is everybody this fine morning? Are you having snow/lightning/wind/what??? Man wasn't it crazy weather, typical Iowa coming into spring. It went from beautiful to scary lightning, tornadoe watches, to artic winds here in DBQ!!!! I will be happy when it is nice and stays nice.....I
having morning coffee on the deck, in the fresh air.....I love having the windows wide open....I love all of it!!!! I even stopped at Theisens and picked up my herb seeds, gonna get those started in the house.....LOVE fresh herbs. I go see a general surgeon next Monday to set up my gall bladder removal. Not sure when that is gonna take place, we will see! I was trying to detox my body off bad carbs, was doing good, almost got rid of the headache.......WHEN....the girlscout cookies arrived
So needless to say, I am starting from square one (again). I am a girlscout leader, and have two girls in scouts.....but I am NOT going to buy any cookies next year.....NONE of us need them anyways. SO that was last weeks misery ....GS cookies
But they are all delivered and out of the house, so NO MORE!!! So back to day one of detoxing.....bring on the headaches!!! Wish me luck, anyone want to join in? I hope everyone is doing good, having a great week!! Take Care

Good morning Jesi
The headaches must be contaigous. I had a bad one all day yesterday, and couldn't take anything, and still had it last night. So bad, I couldn't sleep. So I haven't slept yet.
I still have my headache. Don't like it
Going to the Y today maybe I can exercise it away.
I used to love girl scout cookies, but ate them all the time, and now they just make me sick. So, glad I didn't get any.
Well, take care
Lisa Young
I know what you mean. GS cookies are the best. I got 3 boxes and put them in the freezer. That way I won't eat them. I only had 1 thin mint and that was only 35 cals. So not to bad. We didn't get to bad of weather here in Des Moines. Sunday night it was raining and we got a little hail but not to bad. I have been having headaches everyday for the last week. I know I haven't been getting my water in but I didn't know if a headache is a sign of dehydration. If anyone knows e-mail me. So hope everyone has a good week!!
Your little trick wouldn't work for me as I like the GS cookies better frozen
Sorry to hear about he headaches. I am only going to be having headaches as I come off of sugar.....terrible withdrawal
If your not giving up sugar/caffiene/ or anything like that, yes dehydration can for sure cause headaches. ANother thing to think about is aspertame. Do you drink a lot of Crystal light? I drank that stuff like 24/7 for awhile, loved it, still do.....but man I started getting KILLER doc reccomended cutting out the aspertame, and sure enough the headaches went body doesn't like the stuff. It was such a bummer too, because minute maid came out with those s/f rasberry juices in pop cans.....I LOVE THEM....but after a couple weeks of drinking them daily, the headaches were back......DUH, didn't even look at the ingredients, but sure enough -aspertame again! And it sucks cause I hate real water.....I only like it flavored....and all the flavored stuff is aspertame. BUT this weekend I found (thanks to the main board) a new product the super Targets carry. It is with the crystal light stuff, but it is clear liquid you pour into your water, and it is made with splenda
I bought it, and love it! It is like $3 for like 16 or 24 packets (nice memory huh) but way worth it......hopefully it will help me get more water in without consuming aspertame! I hope you headaches go away soon. By the way, I looked at you pics and your gorgeous! Keep up the great work. Oh and have you gotten your eyes checked lately? Vision can change too with a major weightloss, sorry if I am rambling..just trying to think of stuff
Take Care and have a great day

Hey Jesi,
I too have been getting headaches, I am sure it is from hydration issues. I am trying. I really love Flavor Splash by Aquafina and it has Splenda not aspertame. I drink the citrus blend. I also use it once in a while to mix a protien drink (when I need a quick protien fix). Take one citrus blend flavor splash add a orange (generic or chrystal light individual power package) and then add your favorite vanilla protien power and shake, shake, shake. It taste like a orange cream drink. Very good and fast. I mix mine at room temp then put in the fridge to go in the am.
Take care and good luck with the gallbladder.
Good mornin
No bad weather here in Kalona just some crazy cold wind. I didnt get any gs cookies this year I used to love the thin mints and peanut butter patties. I have more of a problem with meat I love anything meat related. I did order some oranes through a ffa member this year and have been eating them like crazy though.
I did call BC/BS yesterday and sounds like I meet the criteria to be approve. I hope I dont have problems

Well, I'm gonna be the odd ball. I don't have a headache but sympathize with you who do. Hate the things.
It's cold here in Tripoli. Seems strange to see snow on the deck when it was so warm a few days ago. I realized I needed gas last night on my way home from work so there I stood out in the wind with no hat at 1:00AM freezing my buns off. Spring can't come too soon.
I signed up yesterday to take the class to certify in CPR. I learned CPR over 35 years ago but never followed up. In recent years I didn't take the class because I knew I'd never be able to get down on the floor to work on the dummy. Now I can! Because of the shift I work, I am considered a fire marshall, one who has to make sure people are out of the building during a disaster, & I realized that if something were to happen to someone late at night, no one knew CPR and besides, my husband isn't a spring chicken. It might be a good idea to have that knowledge.
Speaking of Al, he complained that he is losing weight since I don't bake anymore. Poor baby! I baked him cookies & now am fighting to stay away from them. I think I'm gonna send them out to the barn refrigerator so they eat them out there & I'm not tempted. I have to put a few pounds on him since he weighs only a few pounds more than me. If I can't lose, I'll have to make him gain, right?
Still trying to figure out how to get the pounds to start coming off again. I still believe it's my thyroid but can't get my doctor to take my concerns seriously. I did have an EKG last week because I have a low heart rate. They found a very minor problem & probably will be seeing my PCP to discuss it. Maybe I can get some ideas from him to speed up my metabolism. In the meantime I am keeping track of my food intake to see just how much I'm eating. I was surprised to discover on Saturday that it was less than 900 calories. If I am that low all the time, I guess I'm causing my problems.
Have a good Tuesday.
Good Tuesday morning back at ya Jesi. I have been wondering where you were hiding.
I figured as busy as your life can be that you just hadn't had time to come out and play.
Didn't you just love Sat. weather. I am so ready for spring. It is my favorite time of the year. I too love to sit on my deck and enjoy my coffee, watch the sun come up listen to the birds. We live in the middle of 20 acres of timber so it is so beautiful when spring comes and you watch all the wild cherry trees bloom. Come have coffee with me some morning.
That would be so neat to have a get to gether for all us mid staters. But that is a long shot.
Lisa and I have become good email buddies and I so hope to go to her graduation in May. I never know though what will come up. Even though all my 4 kids are grown they have things I have to help with, plus my 3 grandkids can keep me busy, so I don't promise anything. But she would be so excited if some of us could go.
I also had mega headaches this last weekend. They started on Wed. and I didn't get rid of them until I took some of my old pain killers from my surgery, on Sat. It made me kind of loopy
for awhile but it sure killed the headache. Mine was weather related though.
We were lucky that no girlscouts found us this year but the elementary kids here are selling pizzas, pies, cookies, you know crap like that. Of coarse how can you turn down those little eyes. So when that comes in in April I will have a bunch of stuff to fix for my families. We also have 2-3 families we are fixing food for because of cancer in the family so I can use it up there. I need some new recipes to use for that. We keep taking the same food to them. Some have little kids and it can be hard to find food they all like.
Well this is becoming a book and no one is interested in reading a book by me so I will go. But wish everyone a good week and a slow weekend.
Cindy G.

Hello everyone. It's been pretty cold here in Carroll. Yesterday's wind was fierce.
I am excited about tonight, we have a support group here in Carroll at the hospital 6:30pm. If anyone is in the area please stop by.
Hope everyone has a good week, I can't wait for Friday. Going out with the girls for some green beer. (well, only a sip)