I'm Home!
Morning all
Made it safe & sound to & from Fort Dodge, few hairy moments both ways due to blowing snow...but normal winter driving. Dr Ver Steeg is very very nice & what a small world it is he wanted my surgeon to come to work for him! But my surgeon moved onto Utah. Anyway Dr says I'm a prime canidate for tummy tuck
like I didn't know that already! I had to get a few more documents from my PC though. Question...did any of you write a letter to go along with the Dr's recommendation for tummy tuck?

Good morning
Nice to see ya on here
We had the blowing wind, minus snow! Glad to hear all went well with your visit.....I didn't have to write a letter, but the docs are pretty good about knowing which insurances want what. Is Dr. V a WLS or PS? Did you check out his before and after pics?? Well you will have to keep us updated. Take Care