Too much weight loss
I just had a question that I thought I would never be worried about when I was at 313 (my highest) but my doctor told me that I should not get below 200 lbs. I am 6 "2" and my goals were to be no more than 225 and no less than 200. I am now at approx. 194 and seem to be losing steadily....I lost 4 lbs since Friday of this past week. The BMI calculator says that to be considered normal weight, my top range weight is 194 while my bottom range is 144. I had my surgery in mid October 2005 so I am only 5 months post-op. Anybody else had these same concerns. I am constantly hearing that I am getting too skinny/thin but I still feel great and look great. I am having some dizzy spells that I can't explain but other than that, like I said....I am feeling great. Any advice of encouragement? Thanks.
Jesse, yes I was walking in your shoes not to long ago. I was loosing more than I should. My surgeon had me start putting protein powder in my soups and puddings. He said to up my protein and it would slow the loss. It did help some, but the way I finally stoped loosing is the wrong way to do it. I started eatting a small amount of food that we aren't to eat. I don't dump with anything so I can do this. I will limit it, and if I start gaining I will stop eatting it completely. Like I said this is not the correct way to do it but I was getting malnourished. I can't stand food, it all tastes so rotten any more. I also eat 6 small meals a day.
As for the dizziness that could be not enough protein, or not enough water, or if you are on medication you may need to have it readjusted. I had that also and I needed all 3. I tried very hard to do everything my dr. told me but I couldn't find any protein I could stand for the first 4-5 mos. so I wasn't getting enough, I was making myself drink some just not enough.
This is just my opinion and not set in gold, so ask your surgeon what they think. I wish you well and hope you get some better advice than what I have given you.
Cindy G.
Regarding the dizzy spells - are you getting in enough fluids? After my tummy tuck I thought I was getting enough fluids but just couldn't catch up due to blood loss. I was so dizzy I could barely function. Two liters of IV fluid did the trick.
As far as wt loss, how do you feel and how do you look to you? Every body has a set point. You may not be there yet. If you don't look anorexic, I wouldn't worry too much. You could try adding a few calories to your day. I wish I had that problem. I can't seem to get rid of these last few pounds. GRrrrrrrr!
All I can say is - I am jealous
Your weightloss is amazing!! Keep up the great work. Some people do get to the point of losing too much....they say our bodies no when to stop, but some do have to start drinking with their meals, and adding more carbs stuff. I think your doing great and don't have to worry just yet. A lot folks experience dizzy spells and never figure out why
But I agree with the other posters, just up tha****er, and maybe have a snack of some sort when you get dizzy, your blood sugars could be getting low! It is a journey with no two being the it does get tricky at times.....but we are all here for ya! Take Care and again,