Hello Fellow Iowans
Welcome Ray! Where is Kalona.....I am challenged when it comes to that sorta stuff
I went to UHIC back in 12/03 and they were great! I had Dr. Maher, but has since left the program. Have you met with Debbie yet? She is GREAT! I don't know Jamal personally, but he is currently treating a friend of mine that is having some problems and he seems GREAT also, he calls her at home, and he has already figured out stuff that three other places didn't even look at, so I think your in pretty good hands. Of course at the actual meeting, you can ask him specifics...make sure to ask him his experience, his complications, deaths, all of that stuff. Wishing you the best, and hope to see you around more! Take Care

Hi Ray, welcome to the Iowa board. Your going the wrong way from Kalona for me to give you any information. I'm dealing with Mercy Capitol in Des Moines. Feel free to ask questions and get to know everyone on the board.....swell people.
If you want to do some manly bonding (no girls aloud) come to the mens board. We'll answer ALL your questions. (again..
no girls aloud
Again, welcome

Hi Ray from a fellow Washington County resident. I had my surgery in Grinnell so I can't help you with anything at UIHC, but I would like to let you know we have a support group here in Washington that meets 1 time a month. It is on the 1st Monday of the month at the County Hospital at 6:30. It is rather informal and we welcome anyone who wants to come. We have 2 ladies from Kalona that come now. We have one from Lone Tree that comes occasionaly and one from Fairfield. Then there are 2 men from Washington, as well as a few women from Washington. We would sure like for you to come check it out next month if possible. Our next meeting is April 3 right before your appointment.
If you can't make it that is fine. Feel free to email me anytime if you need something. I will try to help any I can or give you someone else who might know the answer.
Well good luck at Ia City and Happy Birthday. Keep in touch with us. We are always interested in others journey.
Cindy G.