just wanted to update you all on Noah! He is 10 weeks now, and he weighs 12lbs 4 oz! he has gained 6 pounds and grown 5 inches since being born! what a little dear!!
I have stayed at about 306 the past month, no loss no gain. I REALLY want to lose about 50 more pounds....but if it is not meant to be, I am able to be perfectly content where I am now. I can buy normal clothes, and can do about any activity I want to! Noah and I went for a 21/2 mile walk Monday! I am not limited like I used to be!
Please pray for me to be getting a job soon! I have applied several places, just am anxious. Otherwise am thinking about doing evening/night day care. My dh and I both love kids, and that way I don't have to worry about leaving my own!! The only concern is with my dog...but my 15 yr old keeps her upstairs with him most of the time.
As for the DOG...she is due to have puppies in about 2 weeks! We had her chained outside about 6 weeks ago, dh went to let her in, and a neighbor dog was literally attached to her! He had to bring BOTH of them in, and finally he released from her! This dog had no tags, nothing, so we called the police, who in turn took him to the local vet. They must have known who he belonged to because we saw him riding with his owner a few days later. So much for this stupid town haveing a leash law! No one enforces it, including the police! SO, anyone want a puppy? They will be black lab springer spaniel mixed...the dad dog looked just like kiwi, but a bit smaller. Lord, what am I going to do with PUPPIES! Hopefully she will have only 1 or 2...yeah I know, wishful thinking!
and Nan, if you read this, THANKS for the jeans!! I love them!!
Wow sounds like it will be pretty exciting around your place soon. If you get to busy just send me Noah for awhile. I will spoil him. Ok I know that isn't what you are wanting to get rid of it was the puppies wasn't it. Sorry I can't have any more dogs. I already have 3 and a cat who thinks it is a dog.
Well good luck on the job front. I did a little babysetting when my kids were little. It can be alot of work but it is fun to see the little ones grow up. It is the older ones that are a pain. I am sure you would be good at it. Take care and give those kids of yours an extra hug today.