Need some encouragement.... again
Okay my friends! It has been probably three weeks (maybe more) since I have lost (and kept off) any weight. I was under 200. Now, for the last week I am right at 200 AGAIN!! What is going on? I feel like I can eat everything. Like yesterday... I ate a fish sandwich for lunch. A whole sandwich!!! I don't get it. For breakfast I had a my protein drink and for lunch the sandwich. I hate that I can eat more. I am still trying to work out at least two days a week, if not three. I am waiting for spring to get here so I can walk, walk, walk. I don't really like to work out at the gym, but I do. I would rather just take long walks in the morning and evening. I don't always get my water in, and I know that don't help. I take my vitamins pretty regular. Is this okay? Do any of you guys have this going on at almost five months post-op? I really hated that I forgot the support meeting this past monday night. I really need some right now. Just venting friends. But I would feel better if others are going through the same thing. You know... missery loves company.
Thanks all. Terri

Terri, relax we all hit plataues(spelling) That is probably what is going on with you right now. But that isn't the time to cut back on your water. If you get all your liquids in you might not feel as hungry. My guess is your body is just trying to catch up with what it already lost. Maybe you are loosing inches have you measured. I didn't weigh very regular so I didn't notice if I stalled out.
One other thing you really need to get those vitamins and supplements in. Your body needs all of that. It will get weak and rob what it needs from your organs, muscles etc. I know how hard it can be to remember them but it is something you will have to do for the rest of your life so you need to get in the habit now.
It sounds like you are doing a fairly good job getting the protein in. I wouldn't worry that you could eat the whole fish sandwich. Did you have the bread also? I can't eat bread my pouch won't let me. I really miss it and have a hard time eatting meat with out it.
Don't get to discouraged you will start loosing again soon.
Take care of yourself. Cindy G.
Thanks for your words of wisdom. I'm sure it is just a plataue, but it is really hard for me to look at that darn scale and know that I am not going anywhere. I know... I know... stay away from the scale, right? OMGoodness. That is the hardest thing for me to do. I feel like I am losing inches, so you are probably right. I don't measure myself. Never have, but wish that I had started. I have got to work on my water intake and exercise. My two goals for the rest of the month. Thanks again. Wonderful to know that I have "friends" out there to help me up. Take care. Terri
Dear Terri,
I am just a month behind you and am also concerned about the ability to eat more. I keep myself on a pretty tight regimen and hope that will help. But I have to agree with the previous response that "pretty regular" isn't adequate when it comes to your vitamins and supplements. I am at the computer all day at work, so I just scheduled a "pill" time on my calendar so it reminds me to take them.
I read a lot and from my research and from the posts on OH I've come to the conclusion that compliance is the key to long term success. So I set my goals for behavioral things--did I drink my water, did I take my pills, did I exercise--rather than how many pounds did I lose. I figure if I can get into good behavioral habits, I'm ahead of the game even if I battle the same 5 lbs. for a couple of months.
Here's to success,
Congrats on your tight regimen. I am sooooooooo jeolous. I am just not disciplined enough. I need to work on my vitamins, I know that. I take them all, but sometimes double up. Not good, I know, as we don't obsorb as much as we used to. I will work on that and my exercise, and my water. This has really become so much more than I thought. Not that I regret anything, but I sure wish I knew all this was going to happen before I had the surgery. I would have started sooner in the discipline area. Thanks for your kind words and advice. I truly appreciate it. Hope you are well. Terri
maybe you need to try having more solid protein for 2 scrambled eggs with a slice of cheese and 1 slice of shole grain bread...then have your protein drink for a mid morn snack, then have whole protein again for lunch...the fish with out the bun, or just half the bun would be good...a lot of times we start to plateau because our protein requirements are not being fully met!
also, a large increase in water will flush out your body. .. making loss easier to obtain.
I am 2 years out, just had a baby, but it IS harder the farther out you get. of course no one ever said it would get easier....sigh....
try to increase your activity, protein and water intake and see if you notice a difference. Remember, too that when we don't get ENOUGH calories, our bodies will plateau to keep us from starving! (stupid bodies, didn't they get the memo! there is no way we will starve in the year 2006!) aim for at least 1000-1200 cal a day with at least 60g protein!
Hey Tracie
Great idea, but my day starts at 5:00 a.m. I don't have time to really fix me anything like that for breakfast. Wish I could. But, I know that I need to increase my water intake. I know that. I am truly going to get back on track and follow the steps that I need to do. I also know that I am not getting the right amount of calories in. I eat some things during the day (like the darn fish sandwich), but mostly I eat a protein drink in the morning (about 6:00) then something like string cheese or cheese and crackers mid-morning. Then for lunch, maybe some kind of protein (as I don't have time to really sit down and eat a "real" meal), and then when I get home at 2:00 or so, I have a salad and hit the bed for a small nap. Then I don't eat again until hubby gets home from work about 7:00 p.m. So I know that I am not really getting all my calories in. Just some days I stump myself. Thanks for your words and thoughtfulness. I am truly going to try to get back on track and finish this month out with a bang!!! You are all so great. Hope you are doing well too. Thanks.... Terri
I feel bad that your sad
I haven't been around much. How bout I treat you to a cup of coffee Sat morning and we can talk about it???? We are coming Friday night for sure. It is my brothers bday.....and I need to get out of this house
If I don't hear back from here, I will call you Friday night when I get into town!!! Take Care and talk to you soon

Really watch your portion size. Just because you can eat a whole fish sandwich doesn't mean you should. I agree with the others, you need a more substantial breakfast. I do 5-6 small meals a day. That way I don't get starving and my blood sugar doesn't take a nasty bounce to the bottom of the well.
Go to and sign up. It's a free site. You can track what you are eating. You might be surprised at how many carbs you are eating. You need to really limit your carbs to only complex ones. Fruit and veggies. Stay away from bread, pasta, potatoes, rice. Get at least 70 gms of protein a day. If you eat dense protein, like meat, first, you won't have much room for carbs. If you are hungry, evaluate what you are eating. Carb consumption will start the cravings. Nutrasweet will also do that in some people. And measure what you are eating, don't just guess how much it is. You should have 2-3 oz of protein each meal. You don't need more. Even tho you may be able to eat more, you don't need it. You should be eating 900-1000 calories a day. A fish sandwich has what, 450? Not a good choice at this stage of wt loss.
Typical day for me:
Breakfast: Quaker Wt Control Oatmeal
Snack: Mozzarella cheese stick
Lunch: Cottage Cheese
A piece of fruit
Snack: Yogurt
Snack: Protein Bar
Supper: 3 oz of meat
a very small salad or small serving of veggies
glass of milk right before supper
I average about 1300-1400 calories with 70 gms of protein.
I have been stalled for about a year. But I am now working out 5 days a week and the scale is finally moving. Only a couple pounds to goal.
You must take your supplements daily. Not when you think about it. You might not have a problem now, but you will later. And you need to be getting in all 64 oz plus of fluid.
I'm not trying to flame you here but you are in the honeymoon period when the wt should be coming off easily if you are following your doctor's program. Yes, you will hit stalls. But stay with the program and lose all you can in the first year. After that, it's back to working to get it off. You didn't go thru all this to not lose wt. You can do this. Back to basics. Protein, water, exercise.
Don't fall back into your old eating patterns. Remember that while the surgeon fixed your tummy, it's up to you to fix your brain. The first step is to understand that just because you can eat something, doesn't mean it's a wise choice.
I'm probably being a little hard on you but consider it tough love. I've been there and I wish I had some of that first year back again and had been more diligent in following the program. I would have been at goal long before this. But I'm a slow learner I guess and no one really laid it on the line to me. There will be plenty of time after you are at goal when you can eat some of what you are craving. The key is portion size and not doing it all the time. Just once in a while. Because we all are human and we all mess up. We just dust ourselves back off and get back to the program. We don't give up.
You can do this! And give misery a shove out the door!