First session with a trainer!
Oh my gosh! I'm getting serious about getting in shape. I really don't like to exercise and haven't done much all winter. So I joined Mercy Hospital's Wellness Center and met with a personal trainer today.
He started me out on the ellipitcal. I lasted a whopping 4 minutes! That's really hard! I'm not sure my knees will bend tomorrow. Oh, wait, I'm old so it'll be Monday that I'm stiff.
After finishing my cardio on the treadmill, we moved on to the balance ball. I'm pretty much a klutz. I have fibromyalgia so most days I'm a "little" unbalanced anyway. But I didn't fall off and embarrass myself, so that's good. Tomorrow I will not do anything much except maybe the treadmill and let my body recover.
I plan on doing some water aerobics along with the wt training. I've done wt training before and hurt myself so this time, I'm going to try and do it right. I guess I feel that with the excess tummy skin gone, now exercise will make a difference I can see. And hopefully, it will help me lose those last stubborn pounds. ARRRGGGG!
I think I'm going to throw out both scales we have. One always seemed pretty accurate but weighed in half pound increments. So I bought another one. It seems to weigh about 1.5 pounds light. I like that one. So this morning I get on mine. Dang, still 147. So I thought I'd try the other one. It said 146! I thought, I'll take that number. So then later, after my oatmeal, I was getting dressed and stepped on it again. Now it says 150! I have a psycho scale in my house. I KNOW oatmeal sticks to your ribs but I don't think it weighed 4 pounds! Go figure. No matter which scale, I still want to lose a few more pounds. Maybe 10.
Have a great weekend!

Lyn ~~ keep working with the elliptical. Take it slow and keep going -- it grew on me and I love it. I feel like I get a really good workout on it. First I worked at increasing my time and then my strides. The other day I did 7000 strides. I also keep my routine mixed up. It seems that cardio helps me the most. Friday I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, then 25 minutes on the treadmill and then another 20 minutes on the recumbent bike (no resistance). It's something that just grows on you. Other mornings I'll do 45 minutes on the treadmill and then like 5 mi on the bike. Just keep it mixed up so your body doesn't get set into a routine. Have fun.... you'll be amazed at how easy it can become to be a gym rat....
PS I also were one of those rubberized waist belts to help me sweat in the midriff area and I think it helps -- I'm really wet anyway!!!!
Lyn- Congrats on your first trainer workout! I really wanted to meet with a personal trainer starting in March- I was going to ask the hubby to give that to me for our 10th anniversary this month however I found a ring I just have to have so I will need to wait another month for the trainer. They are pricey around here - $50 a session and at the gym I go to you have to purchase a 4 session package. I finally really got on the exercise train during February. I had been walking since surgery and got up to a couple miles about 4 days a week and then I eliminated the use of elevators and starting Feb 1 I joined a new actual gym. Now I fight to get time to work out. I think about it and plan my time to make it work. Which is a total opposite from before the surgery! Now when I cant get to the gym it ticks me off! Today I got sick and I had a great cardio only work out planned for tonight and tomorrow I have a meeting early so I wont have time after work and let me tell you this chick is never out of bed earlier enough to go before work!! LOL So I am looking at two missed days in a row. This is totally bumming me out!
I try to get to the gym now 4-5 days each week and find that I do that really consistently. I also joined a different gym which has childcare which is crucial since my hubby works a lot of evenings so now I just take the monkeys with me and they love it there. Elliptical is new to me too. The first time I could only get 5 min. I pushed myself to add 30 secs each time I worked out because I LOVE (to hate) the elliptical. Now I do 10 min on it at the start and another 10 at the end. I also alternate and do weight training 3 times a week and try to get a really good hour of cardio in on two days per week. When I first joined I did a fitness assessment with a trainer who said mix it up. So some days I also do treadmill and bike and if I do treadmill more than once then I use different programs so my body never knows what I will do! I honestly love workouts now and find it really gives me some personal time I never had before. I even love to take a shower at the gym because no one is going to walk in on me and ask me for something or try to get my help to break up an argument or ask me if they can do XYZ. I honestly love it!
SO congrats on adding a trainer- I think that is a great investment in yourself, Lyn!
Take care, Nan