RN Interview today..
Well I've been pretty dorment for the past couple of weeks. I have just been sitting around waiting (literally sitting as i have put on 5 lbs in the past 3 wks..UGHHHH). Well today at 11 I am suppose to get a call from Mercy Capitol for my nurse interview. I am going to ask to see if they received all the information they needed from my doctors and if they have submitted it into the insurance yet.
I'm still pretty sure I will be denied, but we will see how things go. I'll let you know how the interview goes later today or tomorrow..
Okay well I'm done with my first call- talk to the RN. Susan (SUPER NICE PERSON) told me that they have to wait until April 26th to submit anything to my insurance due to my preexclusion clause (started new job last August). I told her that was fine as I do not want to rush anything. She told me I needed the following..
1. Psych test (done on 2/9/06..but they havent received the results)
2. Sleep Study (she said I should contact my PCP and see if he can order it now for snoring and drowsiness and not the sleep study since it wouldnt be covered by my insurance yet).
3. Echo (since I had taken the Phen Phen a few years back to make sure there is nothing wrong with my valves)
3. RN Visit (scheduled for 5/3/06)
So I'm on track I guess. I picked Dr. Smolik to be my doctor. If my insurance goes through I'm assuming it will be middle summer or so before my surgery. That kind of bites, but I guess anytime is a good time!
Well there is my update!!!
Hi Janine
I just had my RN visit with Susan last Tuesday Feb 28). She is really nice and she makes sure you understand what you will be going through and answers any questions you might have. She even passed out samples of protien powder to try
I have my psych test on the 30th of this month, sleep study in mid April and the results from my sleep study mid may. It's sort of the hurry up and wait thing. I'm not sure if I have anything else to do. Oh yeah, I visit the dietician first part of April.
Lot of stuff to remember. I will have Dr. Smolik too, so it sounds like you may be behind me by a week or so, or even with me since you had your psych.
Good luck and keep us posted about things