Friday right?????
Did I get this day right????
Man.....what a week. Glad it is over! We have a nice and relaxing (kinda) weekend planned, and I need it. First, I am trying to detox from bad carbs (they control me) and it sucks....headaches, grouchy, just plain miserable!!! Then yesterday there was a misunderstanding on the main board and lady went all crazy on me. I have been on here for 2.5 years, never mean, never been flamed, but man O man she took it out of me.....even when I tried to apologize for the misunderstanding. Oh well. I know what kind of person I am, thats what matters
Dixie~got your email....sending good vibes your way
I had my ultrasound and just waiting on the next test to be scheduled (hidascan). I should know next tuesday when that is. I got my optisources in the mail from walgreens (ups actually) and they are pretty good.....but it says take 4 at different times.....I wanna take 2 twice a day....anyone do it that way??? Plus the B12 in them is amazing
I hope these work good! Lyn~how is Fred doing? Haven't seen you on here much lately. Are you out strutting in your new little jeans
Well everyone have a great weekend......Take Care

TGIF!!! I'm ready. It hasn't been the best week for me either. And the phone call I got a few minutes ago didn't make it any better. Yep, they gave the job to someone else. I thought it was a long shot. I have very little customer service experience & there's lots who are losing their jobs. Mine is still safe for another 4-5 months but some are ending next week already. Hopefully the person who got it is one of those individuals. My turn will come.
As far as taking your Optisource, I often take 2 at a time. It's probably not the best idea but it's better than skipping them, I feel.
So you were a naughty girl & hurt someone's feeling, huh? I stay off the mainboard. There's too much drama going on. People ask for advice & then when they hear something they don't like, they get all huffy. I tried to find the posting you're referring to but couldn't find it. I did read a few posts. I saw that someone didn't apprreciate what Sherri W said & I completely agreed with her. I'll read it but rarely post. I'll stick with this board, the grad board, & the over 50's one. Usually, they're safe.
Someone flamed you????
Haven't been on. Crazy week. I've been really tired this week. Falling asleep in my recliner missing the Olympics. I guess watching them do all the exercise is just too much for me!
Got my hemoglobin checked on Monday. I'm back up to normal at 13.2. So it's not that. Maybe B12. So I'm doubling up for a while and see if that helps.
Fred is departing, I hope. There is a little fluid there, but not much. I go back next Tuesday for my 6 wk post op.
I take the optisource twice a day. I can't remember to do it 4 times. I just take 2 at a time.
Have a great weekend!