How much without Health Ins.?
I was wandering if anyone had any ideas if insurance won't cover surgery? My husband job had ins. that wouldn't cover the surgery. Then at the end of 2005 they said they were switching to Blue Cross. I was so excited. But as my luck has it, it's Carefirst Blue Cross and that is excluded from the policy. So I thought well I will take a policy out on my own. So I got all signed up for Blue Cross of Iowa and the insurance agent said "no problem" Well of course a couple weeks later I get a denial letter. Due to my weight and high blood pressure they can not accept me. So my question is does anyone have any ideas on a insurance company that might accept me? Or has anyone done this and had to pay for it out of pocket? Any ideas on the cost. I am desperate! I think it was Angie at Dr. Glas**** office guessed at around $30,000. (That was 2 or 3 years ago)
I remember reading in some lit from my surgeon that the avg cost is $25K-$30K and my surgeon, anesthesiologist, and hospital would require pre-payment for a portion prior to doing the surgery if you didnt have insurance approval. Luckily I had insurance because otherwise this would NEVER have been possible for me. Best of luck in your journey. -Nan
I think when your selfpay it can be anywhere from 20K and up. There is a gal from Iowa who went to Mexico, it was cheaper and she is doing great. There are a lot of people going south when it comes to self pay, there is a south of the border forum here, you might want to check it out. When I had the surgery, I too put in a call to my insurance and they said it wasn't covered. Well I had it and they paid. Are you sure it is an actual EXCLUSION? I know how hard it is to be overweight in a small town.....I live in Dubuque but I am from Charles City myself
SUCKS! My whole family still lives there, and we go back often. Everyone seems to know my business before I do
Don't give up, feel free to email me anytime. Take Care and wishing you the best

Well I called the insurance company today and they are going to send me a booklet on what is covered and what isn't. My last ins. company had it stated very plainly "Weight loss surgery is not covered." Hopefully this won't be like that. I appreciate your responses. Man this is so depressing. I have been having a really crappy year and this isn't helping. I would like to live to be 50. (I'm 41 now) Every day I feel more and more worthless. Thanks for your input.
Linda --
I'm less than 2 weeks away from surg date with Dr G -- when I went for my initial appt we talked about $$ without insurance coverage -- Angie did say around $30,000. They are "out of network" for my insurance -- so instead of a $500 out of pocket max, I"m looking at quite a bit more -- but decided it was still where I wanted to go.
If your insurance would cover some of the testing ahead of time, that would be a big help. I had my primary care phys order many of the tests that Dr G wanted because she is in-network. I also have very good benefits working at a hospital.
To give you an idea --- I've kept good records -- thus far I"ve had about $13,000 in tests (neuro, psych, cardiac, labs, sleep study, etc...) Fortunately, I"m less than $700 out of pocket so far. The hospital charges are more of an unknown -- I tried to get estimates from them with no luck, so I"m just looking at it as an investment in my futuer.
Good luck!!
I just wanted to thank everyone for your responses. I feel alot better now. I'm still waiting for my insurance company to send me my benefit booklet, but at least I have hope now that I can still do this by going through my family doctor to get the testing done. It sounds like that should save me alot of money. Thanks for your support.