is getting SO big! He weighs over 12 pounds now! WOW! and is 24 in long! he has doubled his birth weight and grown 5 inches!! He is a cereal freak! he loves it...especially if I put pears or bananas with it!
he is sure a little cuddler!
I have to thank God every day for giving me the best gift ever!!!
Ok now I want to come and cuddle with him also. Will you share?
We had a former student come in yesterday and bring her 11 day old baby boy in for us. She was needing to use the computer to apply for a scholarship, so I got to hold the little tyke while she used the computer. I didn't want to give him back. But I bet last night in the night when he woke up I would have been ready to take him home.
I always tell people when they first get home I will be on call when they need a full nights sleep. So far no one has called me, but I really mean it I remember even though it has been 27 years ago what a full nights sleep would have helped when mine were little.
Well enjoy this time. Everyone tells you they grow up fast and to hold on as long as you can. They aren't lieing, you don't realize how fast time goes until they are grown and on there own. Then it is to late. So hold cuddle and spoil Noah as much as possible.
Thanks for keeping us updated on how he is doing. Hope you are feeling good also. Cindy

you can come do night time duty anytime! actually, he is only getting up at about 330 for a bottle, then falls right back to sleep. We have been lucky, he is really a good baby.
you are in Des Moines? if you ever get a chance to go into ToysRUs, could you check and see if they have regular big strollers...not the kind with car seats, but the kind that let the baby lay down all the way. We don't want to drive all the way down there if they don't, and their website is not much help
of course I don't have much time to fully search it either... if you don't have time, that is ok...just let me know if you find out

How old is Noah now? My son turned 10 mos old today. I can't hardly believe it either. How is your weight loss going since you had him? Mine has pretty much been at a stand still. I know that I need to exercise and I look forward to much warmer days when I can take Luke walking with me after school and it stays lighter longer as well. Then I think that I will get back on track. I have been doing with lighten up Iowa with teachers at school, which has gotten me back into weighing myself every week and helping me to keep myself honest and monitor better what I am eating. I know that my eating has not gotten out of control, I do have a few sweets here and there, it is just the lack of exercise that pretty much does me in. Any pointers would be great.
Noah is 8 weeks old yesterday! I have lost about 40 pounds since delivery. we WERE walking evry day, but had that cold snap last week, and got out of the routine. will hopefully get back on with that asap!
I wish there was a lighten up IA team up here...I was going to organize one, but never got around to it!
In March we can renew our rec center Noah and I will be going to the rec center regularly!
My eating has been pretty good...I eat a TON of chicken vegetable soup...but lately carbs have been doing me in! I notice it is more when I am stredded...and when I haven't been able to get out and walk!
I want to get an exercise ball...they look cool.
write me anytime!