Ulcer and something else??
Hello and good Saturday COLD morning
I am about ready to venture out for the day....my twins have swim lessons at 9am (what was I thinking when signing them up
) But I thought I would give you all an update. I had the endoscope yesterday....the stuff they spray down your throat sucks.....it tasted like nail polish remover smells
Then I was wheeled right into the endo room, they gave me something in my IV and I was out.....I remember the doc saying to bite down on something....and that was about it......Towards the end I remember my tummy hurting and I was telling them that, and they kept asking me where it hurt and telling me I couldn't talk......well they don't know me
Then I felt him pulling the stuff out and then I woke up in my room again. The doc gave me some pretty pics....one of the ulcer, one of the pouch....he said all is nice looking, pouch still small and the connections didn't looked stretched or anything
He doesn't think that the ulcer is causing my pain tho.....it is pretty little and in my pouch......so by the time I woke up he had me scheduled for a GB ultrasound on Wednesday morning.....and if that doesn't show anything (stonewise or size wise) then he will order a hidascan to test its function.....apparently I will have radioactive die injected, and then something to contract the GB and see if it works like it should
He thinks now that it is my GB. He went as far as he could through my intestines and up my blind loop, before I kept waking up and complaining of pain
and he said everything looked good, he biopsied one area, and will get those results next week...... the one thing they all got a kick out of was that most people get 2 of vercet (sp) and that keeps them out for the duration of the procedure.....I was up to 8 of vercet before they quit.....I am a hard one to keep down
My throat is sore (probably from trying to talk so much
) other than that all is good. I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend, stay warm and safe in that wind
The news guy said something about it taking only 6minutes to get frostbite on exposed skin in this weather
Take Care

So is this good news or bad? Or a combination of both? I hope they get to the bottom on the pain. My surgeon took out my GB when I had RNY. While my ultrasound was normal, he said it didn't look good when he got in there. In hindsight, I had URQ pain for a long time. After the RNY, it was gone so I guess it was the GB.
Hope you didn't freeze up on the way to swimming lessons!
I'm off to a dog show.
Jesi: I must have missed your post telling you were having problems. You are always so upbeat and positive one would never know! I had the same thing happen when I had my colonoscopy. They kept telling me the versed would knock me out but I walked the whole procedure on the viewing screen and kept asking questions. My surgeon takes out the Gall Bladder automatically with the RNY too. What kind of problems were you having?
Well almost right after WLS, I had a pain in my stomach......Between Iowa City(where I had surgery) and my PCP.....they kinda came to a conclusion that it was an ulcer and I have been on ulcer meds since (2 years). But in the last 6 months it had gotten worse (the pain) Sometimes so bad, I can't eat or drink, just hurts! Well my PCP tried a couple new ulcer meds and decided I needed to be looked at by a gastro doc. The gastro doc scheduled the scope, did find an ulcer, but now thinks it is the gallbladder......so thats where I am at
I had the GB ultrasound prior to WLS, but mine "looked" fine, so it stayed.....I was even on URSO for 6 months after WLS (GB med to help ward off stones during WL) .....but the gastro doc thinks it is probably a more non-functioning GB, rather than one filled with stones.....we will see.....first test Wednesday
Thanks for asking.....Take Care