Heading out for the weekend
HI all I am heading to Rockford Ill. here in a little while. Just wanted to let you all know. I won't be able to answer any posts for the weekend and I will miss seeing some of you. I am going to help my daughter pack so she can move back closer to home. Yippeeeeeee

Can you tell I am excited about her moving back. She has been gone now for about 8 years so it is time to get her back.
I don't like leaving home so this will be a challenge for me. I am driving it alone and I absolutely hate to do this. I will have interstate almost all the way so at least the roads won't be bad.
Have a great weekend everyone and stay warm.
Love ya all

Be careful, and remember to stay hydrated. I never drink enough when I go away on the weekends, and then it takes days to get the bowels working right again
You never did say if you were coming HWY 20 or not! The roads here are all pretty good, and according to KWWL we go the most snow in the area, so you'll probably have smooth sailing
I am glad your daughter is moving closer to ya.....I know I am super close with my mom, and I hate being away from her~! Take Care and see ya when you get back