puking, multiple pills
My surgeon doesn't want us swallowing pills whole. They don't even advise cutting them but instead, crushing them. I cut mine into small pieces early on & then started swallowing them whole. I never had a problem. My opening has been seen by endoscope & it is still nice & small.
If you are concerned about swallowing your vitamins, there is a vitamin out that provides everything you need & it's chewable. I switched to it when I stareted having some trouble with pain & was worried that maybe it was due to the pills. My surgeon recommends these vitamins & he is very strict about getting the right amounts of everything so they must be good. Thye are called Optisource and is made especially for people who have had WLS. You can't get them just anywhere but I understand that Walgreens carries them. You chew 4 tablets a day & they do taste good, not at all chalky. I am also taking a B1 each day as he is finding that many of his patients are low in B1 so is suplementing them.
The frothy stuff, well many people call it the "foamies" and usualy happens when you don't chew well enough or eat too fast & your stomach rebels. It can be caused by something stuck also. It is very common & mostly just annoying. I always saw it as a sign to be more careful & slow down. By the way, you're doing great if this is the first you have vomited. I did it regularly during the first 6 monthsm ostly because of my own stupidity.
Sorry to hear you had the virus going around. I worry about that as I wonder what it will be like if I have to vomit often. At 2+ year out, I have been lucky & haven't gotten sick yet, al least not that kind of sick.
By the way, if you would like to try one of the vitamins, e-mail me with your address & I'll stick one in the mail or you can call your surgeon. Mine had sample sized bottles he gave out.
Yeah two months and your first puking episode......pretty darn good
I was opposite Dixie and had to swallow my pills before I could leave the hospital
Every surgeon is so stinking different it is crazy and confusing!!! If you get something stuck/blocked you won't be wondering anymore, you will surely know it........It hurts! It hurts really bad until it passes or comes back up! If your in a little pain thinking something might be stuck, or feel your pills are hanging around too long, take them and then drink something hot and see if that helps. Another way of knowing that your pill is too big and hanging out to long in the pouch is if your burping pill taste for long after taking the pill....then I would surely try a different pill. I take mostly capsules, so I don't have any problems with big pills, and I take a powdered calcium and a sublinqual B12......You'll find what you like, and what works, it all just takes time! I too heard optisource was good, but I also heard that Walgreens is no longer going to carry it instores/or online
The foamies is a way of puking now.....whether it is becuase you ate to fast, something is stuck, or your sick.....we don't have the big ole' tummy anymore with all the bile and stuff.....all we have left is the foamies/slime.....YUCKY
I had a tummy bug last weekish and I actually threw-up for the first time more than just foam....crazy!!! By the way I am over two years out! Take Care

I went onto walgreens.com and couldn't find anything
Let me know if you can find it....I was kinda interested in them too....I always like to mix stuff up a bit!! I did do the vista's (more spendy) and the chewables were HORRID.....but Dixie says these ones are pretty good, so I had thought about trying them. Take Care

That shocked me to hear that Walgreens wouldn't be offering them anymore.
I did find them on their website though & online at other places. In CF they are sold at Sartori's pharmacy so Dr G's patients still can get them but I hope they become more avaliable to others. They really are handy & good flavored, and give me everythig I need.