New Attitude!
I saw the cardiologist today and he put my mind at ease. He thinks the abnormality that should up on my stress test scan is probably a shadow from my breast but cannot be sure unless I have an angiogram. He let me make the decision. As soon as he told me he can thread the catheter through my wrist, instead of my groin, I told him to go for it. I have it next Friday (24th) morning at 8:00 a.m. If it is fine as he expects, I should be home and then all clear for surgery.
The insurance company is definitely working on my prior authorization as they sent a request for more information to my family doctor. He called me today and feels the information he provides will gain the approval.
I am looking at this little delay as a great blessing because I will get a little more information about my health status that I would not otherwise have had the opportunity to gain unless I actually had chest pain or a heart attack.
I know I am almost there!
Thanks for all the prayers (I felt them!), encouragement and support.
I think that is the absolute best way to look at it. I have an incredibly horrible family hx of heart disease. My father had a quintuple bypass before he was 57, my brother has been hospitalized for chest pain by 31. He's also the former wrestler and runner - far from what most people would consider out of shape. He's been on cholesterol lowering drugs for several years also (along with my father and just about every other male in the family). My oldest brother is proud because he's borderline! He's finally having a wake up call now...
Anyway, what finally struck home was when I went to my 10 yr class reunion. I had the time of my life with my best friend over 18 yrs. The next morning, she died. She had three completely blocked arteries. Now I don't think that we (everyone) can have enough information about our heart health. I hate that Drs don't take a lot of conditions more seriously and I have to say, it's all still a very strong driving force behind my daily exercise.
So yes, I'm glad that you can look at it in this light and have such a great attitude - the peace of mind would be well worth it!
Great news
Shadow from your breast.....isn't that just crazy! Good to hear your insurnace is digging is a good sign, too many times they DENY right away, at least yours is going for what it needs for approval
I will be thinking about ya next Friday and wishing the best
You sound so much happier today tho, it is nice
Take Care and keep us updated

Oh wow what good news you got. I think you have the right attitude going into this. It will set your mind at ease and you will have a much smoother surgery and recovery without the extra worry. Isn't it a great relief to hear good news for a change.
Good luck next friday and be sure to let us know how things go. I will be saying an extra prayer for you. Cindy